Gaztetxe Bota (Oztibarre) organized a cabaret evening. Paxkal Irigoyen, Les choeurs de la Citadelle, Jurgi Ekiza, Maddi Oihenart and SokaHots Orkestra, and Donostiarra actor Txiki participated. Maddi Oihenart and Jérémie Garate published Doi last November. And to introduce it live, they ask for help from two other musicians: Jimmi Arrabit (Itoiz, Sustraia…) in vibraphone, and Pascal Humbert (Detroit) in contraband and low acoustic. Maddi in singing and Jérémie in cello and guitar (electric classic). So the group is in the quartet.
Since that Sunday afternoon was a cabaret night, each group has given us four or five songs. Maddi and the orchestra have been installed, and the first song has begun. Ogella. The underside that goes to the depth of time holds the melody, grounding in the ground. The guitar, in addition to providing harmony, carries the song with great dexterity, providing the minimum information that requires harmony and adorning the gaps with important details. The sound of the vibraphone brings a dimension from the beginning to the journey. That impenetrable sound that runs through the air has reached me from the very beginning. Elements like this leave no choice but to love the concert. And I love these concerts, which from the very beginning prevent me from objectivity and longevity.
Maddi's voice makes the song turn into a song. Natural vibrato and whisper. It certainly has a major role to play. But there's no leading role. This is a group. A great pleasure, in the same song, to realize that the third dimension that is on the album also takes it out live.
Maybe they continue with the song. A little bit in the same format as the first song. And as in the first song, there are quick moments. There were quotes of this kind among them. When the four come together, they attach the roads and make a big leap. Not ahead, but further away. In the third dimension, sound diffusion extends to all fields. Sound does not respect the direction dictated by gravity.
She followed the scream of female grace. What I've loved less. I still found it “fresh”.
And finally, the song Denbora asko kantua. On the acoustic guitar, the song starts with an tuning that only Jérémie should know. A new invitation for the trip.
Take your seats, put on the seat belt, let's go! Oh, we've left the land behind! Look there! The moon! The call is in the liver… Through the cosmos, the matter around us is music. The infinity of space time is easily forgotten, as long as we are satisfied with the moment in which we live.
Maddi Oihenart eta SokaHots Orkestrak martxoaren 6an Oztibarreko Bota gazetxean eskainitako emanaldia.
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