It has recently been known that intelligence services around the world, led by the U.S. National Security Agency NSA, have accumulated the metadata of citizens’ communications in huge numbers, including those obtained via e-mail and mobile phones.
When the people – the most concerned, the truth, because most of them smoke – have felt spied, the heads of security forces and political leaders have wanted to reassure them by saying that the confidentiality of the content of their communications is guaranteed. The metadata saved by the authorities are not, in themselves, the contents of the emails or calls; these are the metadata from where the phone is called or written, where the phone is at each time (geolocation), which website has been searched or visited... Is it much or little criticized?
The young Ton Siedsma, resident in Amsterdam, has offered as his counterpart to follow up and analyse all communications over a week in collaboration with De Correspondent magazine. The result, which will also surprise many ARGIA readers, was told by journalist Dimitri Tokmetzis in February of this year.
Since November 11, 2015, Siedssa hasn’t done anything she doesn’t always do: work, be with friends, with the bride as well. Yes, an application has received for eight days all the communications that Siedsma has made from your computer, as well as from your smartphone.
On November 18, the journal sent iMinds researchers from the University of Ghent (Flanders) and the company Risk and Security Expert to analyze the Siedsma metadata collection. Dimitri Tokmetzis, from Correspondent, has also carried out his own analyses.
The one-week follow-up has left over 15,000 incidents or events throughout history. Every time the phone has been found with an antenna, as well as every time you have taken or sent an e-mail or connected a website, the Ton brand has been left with an error of a few meters.
It has also been possible to map the network of human contacts, thanks to the telephone traffic and e-mail that is being recorded. From the scrolls made on the web, you know where you got in and what you've searched for. Researchers have also been able to see the issue of email messages. To complete the process, De Correspondent has published Ton Siedsmaz who has known with a quick follow-up of a week, except for some personal details that have not been authorized by the renter himself. And who is Ton, according to the tracking?
It is a young graduate who has not reached the age of 30. The e-mails received refer to the places of residence and the periodic works of the students. He works for many hours and also spends a lot of time on the train, on the job. He just returns home before 20:00 and continues to work at home until very late.
His girlfriend is called Merel. Follow-up has not clarified the coexistence of both countries. Every day, about 20 watsap messages are sent, most of the time when Ton is away from home. Merel almost always calls him at Amsterdam Central Station before taking the train. Merel has a sister named Annemieke, a student who still today, the title of one of her messages alludes to her doctoral thesis.
Akuria Lesson
Tone loves the sports information that is followed in, and He's a biker, he's also a practitioner. He reads Scandinavian novels, and by looking at what he's looking for on Google and Yahoo, he's also interested in religion. He may be a Christian. He continues to work on religious issues such as Karen Armstrong, the Gospel of Thomas or The Messiah book Middle Ages, as well as on themes of symbolism in cathedrals and churches. Wikipedia follows these issues a lot.
On the frivolous side, Tone listens on Youtube “Sweatpants” by Jerry Seinfeld and “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley. The film tells the story of Roy Donders, one of the most famous actresses of tele-reality holandesa.De. Correspondent explains more whims from Ton, which everyone recognizes their closest friends. Ah, and she strives to get a good audio helmet with Bluetooth if possible.
Tone uses three different email addresses, one work address and two other contact addresses. By registering in their addresses and in the “Gaia” section, the researchers conclude that it is a technophile, in addition to a suit. He likes information technologies, computer security, the defence of private life, the Internet and freedoms.
It often sends encrypted messages with the PGP system. It often searches on SQLite database programs. Regularly participate in technical forums where you search for information on data analysis and recording.
It also closely follows the world of hackers and porn experts. “We also suspect that the Green Left is a follower to the Dutch political party,” they say in the analysis. As an example of how a citizen's back and forth is controlled, De Correspondent offers an Internet graph with all the movements that Siedsma made on November 13.
Thanks to the fingerprints left on the network by phone and computer, researchers have been able to conclude that Tone is a lawyer in the Bits of Freedom organization (with the word bit, Fragments of Freedom or Bits of Freedom). In its relations it often mentions the laws of the European Union on this subject, how the police and intelligence services work with pedo and pornography networks. There is a lot of talk about the campaigns that Bits of Freedom carries in the emails sent and received, as shown by the simple viewing of their title.
The company Risk and Security Expert concludes that “Siedsma is very well positioned within Bits of Freedom to observe the global view of the situation, which is important from the point of view of information services.” As for Ton Siedsman's friends, researchers have classified them into three groups, although due to prior treatment with Akuria, they have refused to cross relationships with phone calls to respect fundamentally the intimacy of friends. They would have done so easily if they wanted to.
As if it were not enough, iMinds analysts have managed to get into the Twitter, Amazon and Google accounts of the Siedsma, playing with the keys that a few months ago escaped from their security systems. Tone has been able to see supposedly secretly communicated as well as the purchases they would have been able to make for him if they had wanted to. If you've done everything with a quick eight-day follow-up, imagine that the intelligence services ...
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