One day, Txirrita went to Zizurkil and saw Plazida Otaño cutting the pagotxa in the camp. He asked him:
“Where is the father?” [By bertsolari Joxe Bernardo Otaño] –
There it is somewhere, in the part of the house.
And Txirrita told Plazida:
I'll tell you one night
of course I won't start
Here it's been straightened.
You'll be somewhere
in good spirits,
when you were walking yellow today
in hot summer,
be unpleasant
all around you.
Plazida Otaño replied:
This reason already exists.
at their height,
He was a boy.
Summer heat
Do you complain?
If you have a job in that
you can insert friars
to a convent.
In the Otaño book of the Auspoa series and its environment I, we present the first spontaneous marriage of women that is known, whose theme is sex (a myth less). For the makeshift verse of this level to respond to Txirrita, who enjoyed great prestige in the bertso world, he needed a bertsolari. Acting. And indeed, in the book of Auspoa the sister of Plazida, Adriana, says that at home they were dedicated daily: “[our father José Bernardo] In most cases he had a son or a daughter who accompanied and sang alone, at home or in the family. He could not take that away.”
In this home activity, Plazida sang the other verse known to him: Joxe Bernardo and Plazida sang bertsos in Rekalde's kitchen during a table. Plazida told her father in a verse that was preparing for her age and that she intended to marry and start preparing her for him. José Bernardo replied:
You're going to get married,
The value it has!
Eighteen years
your age.
Pikara, we grow poorly.
No shame.
you will make me rich
I'm poor before.
Plazida to my father:
Father, after old age
a better time, not
young girls as well
It's scary.
white hair,
with no news,
then it is useless
Sound and party.
In the so-called “plaza de los hombre”, the Zizurkildarras heard once in the song Plazida, at the age of 84: Pedro Mari Otaño was paid a first tribute in Zizurkil in 1950. In the morning a solemn ceremony was held and the food took place in Etxeberri Square. On that table Plazida Pedro Mari Otaño (cousins) sang, returning for the second time from Argentina (1880), went to Errekalde's farmhouse and did so with his uncle Joxe Bernardo (father of Plazida). It was a pleasure that Pedro Mari went to get him to the train when he arrived and, therefore, he was probably there when his uncles tried to cross the door of his house.
“Of character, the caste of bertsolaris” as described by the bertsolari of Zizurkil Teodoro Mujika. She met in the older kids the 80-year-old woman. Perhaps because he had this character of humorism, perhaps because he would have bothered with them in the Bertsos, or why, but there are few women that men have mentioned so much in the Bertsos (also in this case with the issue of sex) and, for example, we have not come the verses that the other sisters of Pleasure mention. The warm Txirrita that was to be expected replied that Plazida would not remain silent before the bertsolaris he was referring to. Unfortunately, their verses have not come to us.
Joxe Bernardo once told Txirrita (for pleasure) this verse:
Joxe Bernardo studied
the door that opens,
and the path of the family
I wanted to do it.
How You Are a Good Guy
My daughter knows that.
go home and
You will live very well.
Then Txirrita said:
To employ your daughter
You've taken your ideas.
for this I will need
the rights of the home.
I'm going to open up in these fields.
manure and cals,
the end is delayed
there, slugs*.
* For the Bareas were from Ouk.
Plazida Otaño and Juan Joxe Ugarte Beldarrain (bertsolari also, cousin of Pedro Mari Otaño, being sisters of both) are said to have had some romance. On one occasion, Ugarte sang to Joxe Bernardo:
Today I've seen you
The daughter of Plazida,
long ago
I've grown so much.
looking at the guys
to realize
She lives on the spot.
Otaño and his environment are mentioned in book I. Ugarte had a lot of contact with Joxe Bernardo and had to be the one who came home frequently. When she felt it, Plazida “seemed to go out elegant to Juan Joxe.” On one occasion, Juan Joxe Ugarte told him:
Plazida listens
The voice of Juan Joxe.
when you feel it
What a joy!
With a humble little girl
I need a wife.
I don't want as much as you
aerythroid gallarda.
The man of pleasure, Joxe Miguel Zaldua, was a shepherd of cattle, who walked with the cart. But without going too far, I would do small orders (among them, the train station they had near the house). When he came and went, Benta often went through the portal of his house. And I cried out to Pleasure:
“Do you have breakfast ready for me?”
Not yet. I will prepare you for the next trip.
I came on another trip, and I said,
"Are you ready?"
No. I just need to put the soup and the egg.
And Miguel Strogoff's breakfast was that, soup and egg.
In the book we mentioned above, Plazida was elegant, according to Serapio Mendizabal of Zizurkil. In addition, her daughter gave her a fur coat. I was always going with a wallet or a bag. One day, the head of Theodosius saw him and said:
“Here’s the Plazida, with a bag bigger than him. But it won't take a peza.
He heard the pleasures and said:
“Hey, there are people who are more than filled with money, I fight it better than anything.
“All Otañans were good speakers. Answer always prepared.”
It was said that it was learned in the kitchen of the hamlet Errekalde. A grandmother told them that one time someone sent them to study in the street to some of their children.
– Sending outside to learn conversation? Send it to Rekalde.
Teodoro Mujika said yes. Wouldn't they? She answers by asking if women were singing a verse. Where? What were those places that we have never called (without men) places? He soon came up with two possible peasant camps: “When the child was born, they made a binder: a woman from the neighborhood houses that met in her house. They would make good food and then they would make the conversations of their life.” A zizurkil told Mujika: “In our house Adriana (sister of Plazida), Mikaela Txintxarri (famous daughter of bertsolari Pello Errota, Mikaela Elizegi and small cousin of Plazida)... Don’t take the tertulia they did on one of those artifacts that are needed today [record]!”
And when Tuesdays went down to the fair in Villabona, Mujika was convinced that there too they would have a space for the bertsos. “They came down together, from the mountains of Zizurkil.” From the hermitage of San Miguel it is known as Izpila. The first sense that comes to mind is that of the aromatic herb, but Mújica relates it to the path that was taken when he went down to the fair: “A lot of words, if it comes from that...”
Kristina Mardaras, beste gauza askoren artean, bertsolaria da. Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusian parte hartu zuen lehen emakumea izan zelako da ezagun, bertso munduan. Baina, baita hamaika bertso-saiotako antolatzaile eta entzule gisa ere. Izan ere, plaza utzi zuen,... [+]