You were attracted to it.
I accepted my homosexuality at that time. I began to uncover the struggles the LGBT community had, and I received great lessons. The seroras seemed great to me, but the form of the actions irritated me, they seemed too extreme to me. Because I'm a well-educated, consensual boy. A friend's suicide was an electrotxoke, and I decided to leave the peaceful room. I started the process in 2006, and a year later, I was on a serora.
Movement is agnostic.
Poor, agnostic and ridiculous, that's ours. Absolutely serious and at the same time absolutely everything is ours. We set aside shame and guilt and reclaim the joy of living.
The first appeared on Easter Monday of 1979 in the Castro neighborhood gays and lesbians of San Francisco, with false pink metralts between hands.
“Kill a homosexual to achieve God’s love” was repeated at Anita Bryant, the Christian right and tough was burning. It was a criticism of this context. At the same time, it was an internal critique of the LGBT community. It was Castro's time clone and they wanted to criticize that heteronormated machist ultragicony. Seven of the ten anti-heterocentrism activists belonged to Radical Faeries.
The action had a big echo.
Yes, what was going to be a foolish joke among friends had a terrible echo. They immediately realized they were filling a hole. They realized that, dressed in serora, a crowd entrusted him with a spiritual mission.
AIDS appeared a year later.
Yes, there had been this black scourge that was not yet called AIDS. They soon reacted; they were enthusiastic militants, they started formidable communication campaigns and they distributed money to the sick.
The expression of the serora would have been accentuated.
Quite clearly. The Church did not bury the dead for AIDS, because they were dead for “gay cancer.” They were terrible dramas, huge traumas. 70% of San Francisco gay men died for ten years! A tremendous spell, what happened in silence. Ronald Reagan never spoke the word AIDS during his tenure. Christians said that the consequence of their sins was that doctors had nothing to propose and politicians considered those affected to be homosexuals, drug addicts and prostitutes and that society could pass without them. Many people approached the women asking each of them for their boyfriend's symbolic burial or symbolic marriage before they died.
A terribly black decade.
In addition, there is a panic. We didn't know what it was or how it was. As I achieve emancipation and freedom, here is the disgrace ... We are not aware of the extent of the trauma. The passion that underlies the struggle for the rights of homosexuals is found in these experiences. It was very strong and apparently very rich. For personal reasons, some seroras left San Francisco and created convents in the cities they came to. This fight would also encourage the participation of patients in medical research. The LGBT community and, above all, the Act Up Group, urgently imposed it.
AIDS is continuing.
At the time, the privileged white men of the West died in the greatest indifference; that's why, in the end, it was an answer. The plague continues in Africa, also in indifference. Here, the majority of those affected are immigrants, young people with an unprivileged environment and transgender women; they are not attractive, there is not much talk about AIDS. So I say that we have to convey the story of the LGBT community, both for the good of the old generation and for the good of the younger generation. Let's know that in the greatest indifference, AIDS killed an entire generation of gays.
What is the clash between a heterogeneous society?
The impact depends on the context. In peoples such as France, in addition to the Nazis and fundamentalist Catholics, we have the strongest reactions from gays, who say that we are caricatured and that we are not all plumers. We continue to criticize the bad mood of these gays and lesbians. In Paris we never leave alone because it is dangerous, in San Francisco we are almost an institution. In the world of the hamlet, however, you can't imagine there might be something like that. Tolerance is conditioned by lack of vision; to be accepted, one must be heteronormated in the rural world. I understand that I don't have the desire to be the flag of subversion all my life ... But that is the duty of the Serores. Disguise attracts and with political discourse surprises people. So yes, after 35 years, we continue to interrogate and agitate the heteronorma and patriarchy.
“Mugimendu altermundialistan nenbilen buru-belarri. Geneseko G-8aren gailurrean, Carlo Giulianiren erailketak izugarri inarrosi ninduen eta ohartu nintzen ez nintzela ideientzat hiltzeko prest. Nonbaitik ere, garai horretan Betiereko Induljentziako Serorak geroz eta gehiago gurutzatzen nituen manifestazioetan. Haienak funtzionatzen zuela ohartzen nintzen”.