Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The party itself of understanding Federal Spain proclaiming the PSOE, an example of this

2024-10-15 | Leire Ibar
The Ertzaintza arrests three people for trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation purposes
Four women, forced to practise prostitution, have been released in Donostia-San Sebastián and Vitoria-Gasteiz, accused of trafficking in human beings of two women and one man detained in the operation. The Ertzaintza initiated the investigation following the complaint of the... [+]

2024-10-15 | Estitxu Eizagirre
The tower installed by the company Aixeindar in the Sierra de Iturrieta does not guarantee the protection measures for birds, according to Arabako Mendia Aske
The company Aixeindar has installed a weather tower of 82.5 meters of wind in Analamendi since 2023. To ensure the stability and safety of the tower, the company docked on the ground with several steel cables. The Arabako Mendia Aske association has denounced the risk of bird... [+]

2024-10-15 | Mikel Aramendi
10 October: Can the world drama become a comedy?
Can the origin of the national holiday somewhere be a historic event in a country that you think is not yours and should not be yours? Yeah, that's it. It also occurs in Taiwan: The “Ten Doubles”, that is, 10 October is officially celebrated what is so far known as... [+]

Denounce "vejatorio treatment" in the residence of elders San Roque de Llodio
In a letter sent to the Alavesa Provincial Council, relatives of the residence have pointed out that "events that even violate dignity are frequently repeated". The Member considers that the situation is not "so serious".

2024-10-15 | iametza
What is voice technology in Basque? Where are we going?
Representatives of technological centres in Euskal Herria will take part in a round table that will analyse the situation and future of vocal technology in Euskera, led by ARGIA journalist Jon Torner. The meeting will take place on October 17 at the San Telmo Museum of Donostia,... [+]

2024-10-15 | Leire Ibar
The Prosecutor's Office calls on the Ertzaintza to investigate the "fascist messages" of the UPV Professor of Law
The Public Prosecutor’s Office has asked the Ertzaintza to produce a report on the UPV professor that came out in early October. The objective is to investigate in depth the circumstances of the case and to analyse whether there has been a hate crime, before making the... [+]

Tax allowances for young people: The impact of the movie 'On falling'?
The Portuguese Government has proposed reducing or eliminating IRPF for young people in some cases, but for the moment it has only put the question, because it is not clear whether it will be able to approve the budgets, because the parties that make up the government do not add... [+]

The Basque Government shields the service of catering companies in school canteens
In 2019 the Basque Parliament approved a new model for schools that want to act without catering companies. Instead, the Basque Government has recently issued an order requiring the centres to provide a service through catering companies. Meanwhile, the 50 schools that have... [+]

2024-10-15 | Julene Flamarique
Jon Kortazar gets an unpublished poem from Gabriel Aresti
On 14 October 91 years have passed since the birth of the Bilbaíno writer, who died in accident laboral.La the Zubiri Moragues family has handed over to the UPV/EHU professor Jon Kortazar a photograph of the poem and writer Errota gorria. The professor has assured us that the... [+]

2024-10-15 | Jon Torner Zabala
The Basque Government approves the "extraordinary" action of the Zubieta incinerator
EH Member Bildu Mikel Otero asked Mikel Jauregi, Minister for Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability of the Basque Government, for the illegal transfer of thousands of tonnes of leachate to the waste treatment plant in Artajona. At last Friday’s plenary session,... [+]

Urruña eta Segurako udalek ofizialdu egin dituzte herritarrek sortutako zubiak

Herritarrengandik sortu eta hiru hamarkadaz eraikitako harremanaren ondotik, Hego Lapurdi eta Goierriko bi herri hauen arteko senidetze edo birazkatze ofiziala egin dute igandean Urruñako plazan. 30 urteko mugarri, egun «historikotzat» jo dute Filipe Aramendi... [+]

For the people of Mecaner
"We need the public purchase of the factory"
The multinational Stellantis has closed the Mecaner plant and left 148 workers on the street in Urduliz (Bizkaia), so different agents have created an eco-social alternative for "Mecaner Herri". Iraide Juaristi of the LAB trade union and Aitor Gallastegi of the Ekoscan Jump have... [+]

2024-10-15 | Julen Orbea | Zuzeu
Remember life
In 1944, under the command of Stauffenberg, Hitler tried to kill him with a bomb in an action prepared between German soldiers and citizens. In the following months, the Nazis executed more than 90 people because of this action.

They warn of the gravity of the Galician situation in view of the latest data
The knowledge and use of Euskera have regressed in the latest data provided by the Galician Institute of Statistics (INE). The loss is higher in younger age groups. A third of the population aged 5-14 has declared that they know little or nothing about Galician.

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