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In search of lost havens

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Take the sky, that's the goal. And not through consensus, but through uneasiness, Pablo Iglesias said at the first congress of Podemos. His party, which was born with the aim of accelerating the reception of the institutions, has reached many institutions in Spain since the European elections in 2014. Expanding the partnership frameworks, after the municipal elections of 2015, it assumed numerous government responsibilities, including the municipalities of Madrid and Barcelona. He will now have to decide whether or not to join the Spanish Government, unless Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE gives him the opportunity to do so. Or if it's for him.

The dilemma is to enter or not to enter. How will the Spanish transformative left be better strengthened, inside or outside the government? Both paths can have their benefits and risks. Part of his base asks him to enter the government, because if he doesn't, the pp will govern. It is a difficult alternative, especially knowing how it will act in the next four years.

But getting into government can also mortgage your future, as has happened to Syriza, and even more so in this case by relying on the PSOE. The party of Pablo Iglesias has no doubt of being in the government, but the question is when. Now or after strengthening it in a new election? If you are given the option of entering the government, you will have to think about two things: one, how the PSOE-led government will act after the harsh cuts; and two, and most importantly, how its alternative would work if the break occurred.

After all, inside or outside the government, you will have to think about how to continue with the accumulation of forces, because in order for the basic changes to take place in Spain it is essential. But it will also need alliances, it will not be able to do it on its own. Although the situation is very different, what happened to Bildu in Gipuzkoa is quite significant.

What is the most important thing that Varoufakis has achieved for the time being? Hope. It's not fiction, you can get it. It's dealing with the strongest dogma on which capitalism is based.

On the periphery of the State there may be important forces and alliances as seen in the last general elections. It has it more cruelly in central Spain, the increase in the strength of IU does not seem so bad and is not a joke (2 Members, but one million votes). However, it will also need other alliances, probably within the scope of the PSOE, either to attract its people or to bring the party to the left. Putting the PSOE in an alternative of any kind is totally incredible now, but be it Sánchez or Susana Díez, let it be the timonel that decides if you want the model of the Portuguese PS or the Greek PASOK.

Two months have passed since 20 December and as the deadlines pass, the shadow of the new elections in Spain is growing. The PP has wanted it from the very beginning, but when corruption envelops it for the umpteenth time, now is not the best time to get C’s voter back. For Podemos, on the contrary, it is still the right time and a good connection with the UI block would not be surprising if it were put at par or ahead of the PSOE. The surveys show this direction. So does the logic.

Let us imagine that the elections are repeated and that Podemos and the PSOE can form government more clearly, and that Pablo Iglesias can also be the new head of government in Spain. On the one hand, the Troika would wait for you in Brussels, ready to repeat what you have already done with Greece. But would I do the same? No, it would not be if Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece reached an agreement on various bases for the reform. Politics fiction? Today, yes, a fiction like thinking that something can be changed in the EU.

Do not speak of fiction to former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, he himself is clear that the European Union can change and that it can change. To this end, the Democracy Movement in Europe 2025 (DIEM25) is encouraged. You have seen that neither with the strength of a single state can Brussels be dealt with, that the pan-European movement of citizens is essential for democratic change.

What is the most important thing you have achieved for the time being? Hope. It's not fiction, you can get it. It's about tackling the strongest dogma on which capitalism is based: it's possible to change capitalism. The aim of Varoufakis, however, is not to put an end to capitalism in the EU, but to democratise it.

The great citizen movement, the new forms of alliance of states, the impetus of parties from the European institutions ... What does it take to reach the EU’s havens? Who knows, but if the joint sessions do not work, it is very likely that in the next decade people will seek their skies outside the EU. n

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