“If we ask for health care in Euskera, then they will see the need and start offering it. The more you ask, the more you will offer,” said Aitor Montes to Goiena. With this conviction, the collection of applications has been carried out on 17 February in the multipurpose room of Bidebarrieta in Oñati.
The collection of applications involves: The physician Aitor Montes and the other members of the initiative developed application models to receive in Basque the results of the clinical documentation, ultrasound, pediatrics, gynecology, traumatology and resonances. All they had to do was open up the application models on the computers and tell the public what kind of petition they wanted to make.
The members of the initiative will be responsible for transferring the requests or complaints to Osakidetza through the two existing channels to make the violations of language rights visible. On the one hand, they have been sent to the Elebide service of the Basque Government, and on the other, through the newly launched Acuilari application to the Observatory on Linguistic Rights.
Oñati is not the first attempt. In March 2015, it premiered in the Gipuzkoan town of Arrasate/Mondragón. Doctor Aitor Montes and nurse Garazi Sagasta met with Euskera students at the Jai Zale bar who manage the latter in Arrasate. They called the "complaint poteo" campaign and, taking advantage of the procession from bars to bars on Fridays, several citizens responded to the petitions.
In this initiative, one afternoon, 78 complaints and suggestions were received. In order to highlight the impact of these sessions, Montes compared the number of complaints received at Elebide in 2013: 20 health related complaints. The doctor in Aramaio is optimistic and says that, using the collection route of Arrasate and Oñati, 2,000-3,000 requests can be reached. Returning to the initial argument, thinking that demand will force supply, because today Osakidetza does not guarantee health care in Euskera.
Why don't we regret it? The health sector is not an area in which Euskaldunes are engaged in the fight from respect for linguistic rights. At least two reasons. On the one hand, once in the health center, the patient frequently leaves linguistic rights in the background, because he is in good health, does not know what he has and is concerned... A lot of work with himself. On the other hand, Osakidetza’s complex structure does not help in the right and objective of channelling the complaint when linguistic rights are violated. For this reason, Aitor Montes, the promoter of the initiatives of Arrasate and Oñati, believes that health professionals themselves can do a lot to offer resources to respect the rights of vasco-speakers. |
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