Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Falloux remains in the assault of the law

  • There were no ikastola in Beskoitz, until it was inaugurated in 2013, in the house of some parents, with three children. Although the ghost of the Falloux Law works, there are currently 13 children in the ikastola for rent, prefabricated, on the grounds of the house.
13 haur, irakaslea eta laguntzailea dabiltza Beskoitzeko ikastolan. Aurten beste prefabrikatu bat atontzekotan dira.Kanaldude

In the Labortana locality of Beskoitze, 17.44% of the Basque population knows Basque (data from 2010 given by Wikipedia). In terms of use, according to the 2011 data, it is 1.8%. Xabi Irigoien, president and parents of the Beskoitze ikastola, explained the figures differently in Kanaldude's video: “A hundred years ago everyone spoke in Basque and from all the sites in miniature, they did not disappear, but it has been quiet. Perhaps today twenty per cent know Euskera, but it is not heard, and it is true that Euskaldunes are increasingly using Euskera less. Our desire would be to spread the Basque language and to listen to it again in all the missing areas, that is, here, in the ikastola, from the ikastola to the plaza, from the plaza to the bakery, from the bakery to the village house”. Other information to be taken into account: In 1975 it had 1,085 inhabitants and there are currently about 2,400 neighbours to Beskoiza. Irigoien reflected: “The people have come and perhaps the Basques have not been able to receive them, to make them feel the need of the Basque.”

The parents wanted their children to have their school in the village, which is also public and private school, and to be ikastola.

On land of the consistorial house

Ikastola started in 2013 with three children at a parent's house. Now they're on a land rented to the village house. They have two buildings, one prefabricated. In the latter, they have the classroom and the room. In this class, 13 children gather. In the adjoining building there is a small hostel and toilets. This same year, they intend to build another prefabricated room to install the room there. Children are between 2 and 6 years old. For a year and a half they have eaten inside the school and now in the canteen that is in the village, in the dining room that the children of the other two centers have, also the children of the ikastola have room.

The teacher of the 13 children is Ane Gómez and the collaborator is Ainara Arano. The two children will finish Early Childhood Education this year and although their parents want to stay in the village, they will surely have to go to study some ikastola from the town next door. The figure will be between the ages of 13 and 11, although it is possible that when entering school in 2016 there are two other new children.

The prefect filed a complaint in 2013 to the House of the People of Beskoitze for renting land for the implementation of the ikastola in SEASKA. Once again, the pretext of the Falloux Act is that no public aid can be granted to private immigration. Finally, in March 2014, the case was rejected. The agreement with the House of the People is maintained, so it seems that the ikastola will have a few years of tranquillity.

2016ko otsailaren 21
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