Be or not be. Provide political value or not. The exercise or not of rights. Modify or not change. The Government of Navarre has opted for no change of style and decided that Euskaldunes should have fewer rights than Spanish and Basque speakers. Hard and hard, but that's right. The vasco-parlant community has been hit hard by the Public Job Offer decided by the Department of Education.
There were two main issues to decide. One, the number of seats in the OPE. The Department of Education of José Luis Mendoza has since defended 334 places in 2016, 228 in Basque and 92 in Spanish. Finally, as a result of the appeal of the Government of Madrid, it will only contest 200 places, of which 108 will be in Basque and 92 in Spanish. Seats can be distributed so that legal certainty does not affect only the 120 seats in Euskera, but we must: Until agreed by the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra, the measure may be reasonable and acceptable. Progress could also be made in the defence of self-government, but that would lead to another debate.
What is not acceptable is what you have done with a single list of teachers. Firefighters, doctors, nurses and any field of public service are based on unique lists of merit and capacity. Not only in Navarre, but in all the communities of the Spanish State.
In Navarre education no, here are two lists, one for teachers who have to choose to teach in Basque and another for those who choose to teach in Spanish. They only force the Basque to choose some places when he has the capacity for the whole. This is a system put by UPN and PSN because, according to them, Euskaldunes have an advantage over those who only know Spanish. Do you know more? It takes less rights. Even the AFAPNA trade union of Navarre clearly states: “Opponents in Basque could opt for Spanish and Basque places, and opponents in Spanish would not.”
It is an old claim by the Basques of Navarre and it was thought that this time it would be achieved. Both Geroa Bai and EH Bildu were supporters of this, and both Podemos and I-E have positioned themselves in favor of equal rights in favor of the Basque country. In theory. I say this in theory, because then in reality it has been seen that the attitude of some sectors of their bosom, CCOO, UPN, PSN, etc., also influences them. In addition, José Luis Mendoza himself showed a clear disposition in favor of the single list when he acted in the Basque Culture College.
It was a good choice. That the Spanish Government, as usual, has improperly blocked a number of seats, conditioning the will of the Government? PRESIDENT. — The next item is the report (Doc. Neither of them. What image is left? That the government has no strength to do what it believes, that a minority force within it, I-E, has deceived and that the pressure of CCOO, UPN, PSN and Diario de Navarra is very effective.
We know that they are powerful, it would be stupid to ignore it, but the challenge of the government of change is that there be changes in other areas that they do not quieren.Se can make changes in the Law of Symbols, the government has already approved numerous measures in the social field, tax reform, measures against the concessions that are given to the institutions of the Opus… but when you reach the Basque Country, you cannot. Disappointing.
As he has acknowledged, the Department of Education started badly on the subject of OPE, and it has ended badly. At first he was accused of lack of pedagogy, and he recognised it, and he also did so in the end, because at the moment he did not explain to the Basques why a single list cannot be put in place.
The economy will condition many of the government's actions, and we will have to do our best, with the utmost will and with a great deal of pedagogy. But there are a number of silent and silent measures, and one of them was that of a single list. The loss of opportunities, the image of weakness, despair and anger in the Basque sectors are the main consequences that this chapter of the OPE has left.
The Government and the political and social sectors that support it are also going to hurt the decision; ways will have to be found so that they do not faint, because the alternative leaves no other option.
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