Reading the book Bizi Baratzea, the memories of the youth do not take long to arrive, as we worked in the garden of the house. Most of us grew up in the short field and the result of the vegetable garden was fundamental to feed us, although it was considered stronger than vegetables, for example, meat.
Look, if not, at what that trikitixa copla says that we used to sing in the romerías:
Leek broth in the morning,
at midday,
do well
pants in the ass.
The book clearly details, in the compass of the seasons and the moon, how to work the land for each type of plant, how to water it, how to fertilize it, when and how to sow the seed, how to deal with diseases, etc.
I found it very curious and interesting to know on page 12 which muscles of the body are working with each type of manual tools used in the garden (working with the azada, for example). In addition to the tools mentioned, we found the “bivegetable” (for taking the potato out, for example) very useful. We always, despite being from the heart of Gipuzkoa, call it “orzbico”, following the seam of the Vizcayno, just as when the peseta was in force the 50-cent coin we called it “realbica”. (In Getaria, for example, you also say "paddle" in the pot.)
However, among other things, the plants that have been created by Patxamama (or our Amalur) of the indigenous people of America or the Indies and that have reached our lands at the end of the 15th century are very important. They are detailed in the book. See chips of these vegetables: corn, allubia, bell pepper, tomato, potato, pumpkin...
In the cultivation of the garden, the relationship between the person and the earth is often a joy. Although at first it has its fatigue, the result is that harvest harvesting and well-prepared vegetable is very nice. Our great poet Lizardi felt it very inside:
O land of mine,
Oh, I knew what it was.
work you and
Your reward…
Congratulations, Jakoba.
Gaur abiatu da Bizi Baratzea Orrian kide egiteko kanpaina. Urtaro bakoitzean kaleratuko den aldizkari berezi honek Lurrari buruzko jakintza praktikoa eta gaurkotasuneko gaiak jorratuko ditu, formato oso berezian: poster handi bat izango du ardatz eta tolestu ahala beste... [+]