The Askekintza Animalista group of Donostia/San Sebastian describes a world that discriminates against animals not belonging to the human species, whether in food, clothing, cosmetics or leisure, and that we employ them for the benefit of the human being. They favor parity among those who have the ability to feel, suffer and enjoy: “All animals are equal, be they two or four legs. Therefore, killing and eating the same is unfair and cannot be justified.” They have made us aware that the first step to change this specific reality is veganism, the “ethical diet” that prevents exploitation and suffering. To sum up in two words: vegans do not consume products from animals, neither the most demanding nor eggs nor milk.
Meat, dairy, eggs, honey, fish... All these products come from animals or from “a slave state”. The animal rights group tells us that the responsibility of the person who eats is as great as the one who carries out: “If we consume animal products, we recognize their slavery and their death.” For this reason, they promote a diet that does not turn the animal into food. Raising the issue of specialism has encouraged more and more people to take these steps and, consequently, the “number of animals exploited” is declining.
The nutritionist and dietitian associations in the Basque Country and abroad, as well as the life models of a large number of people, although there are also voices against them, have given the opportunity to prevent diseases caused by inadequate food and are absolutely healthy for human, animal and natural beings. We have also been told some aspects to take into account. We should feed the body with vitamins B12 and D. We can get them through organic vegetables, fortified foods, fruits or water. In addition to eating “clean”, the practice of sport, contact with nature and rest also influence the health of oneself.
However, they have made it clear to us that veganism is an attitude contrary to speciism and not just something limited to food: “Veganism is a political attitude. Only those who follow this will ensure that the freedom of animals is respected.”
Edonolako pizzak, kalabaza opiltxoak, sagarerreak, arroz tostadak, gerezi gelatina, izozkiak, fruitu eta kinoa kremak, sojazko jogurtak, fruitu lehorrak, ahuakate eta txokolatezko musa, almendrazko gailetak, mahats tarta, txokolate budina, fruituzko batidoak eta abar. Interneten errezeta piloa aurkituko duzue.
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Alarma jo du, beste urte batez, OIP Presondegien Nazioarteko Behatokiak. Abenduaren lehenean marka berri bat hautsi zen frantses estatuan, 80.792 pertsona atxiloturekin. Espetxe-administrazioaren aitzinikuspenen arabera, gainera, 86.000 baino gehiago izan litezke 2027an egungo... [+]