From here you come to smell the sea. I am in a privileged place, right now, reader; I show the beach of Arrigorri de Ondarroa in my skirt and in Saturraran. I am in the Alfa building, located on the rocks, in the bar-restaurant Arrigorri. A year ago the Ondar-Uhinak and Arrikoop Tourism Association took the first cash prize. Authorisation for the management of the Small Cooperative Societies building. They entered Arrigorri after being closed for seven years and won the open competition conducted by the town council.
As its name suggests, it is an accommodation and a restaurant. That was the case before, and the last chiefs have kept it. They supply the dishes of local products. They have direct contact with producers and fishermen in the area and local food is desired in Arrigorri. But they don't want to stay there alone. It has an accessible dining room for almost 100 people and has 24 rooms with sea views. But for visitors they don't intend to make just offers to eat and sleep. In the organization of the space, besides having the dining room and rooms, it has a children's txoko, a reading corner or wifi area.
They also organize guided tours related to history, fishing or the War of 36 and Saturraran Prison. The aim is to offer other kinds of tourism to visitors coming to Ondarroa. Local and not necessarily associated with consumption.
More than the hotel deal of Ondarroa, it is an active agent in the municipality. It is almost impossible to live in isolation, to separate ourselves completely from others and we need those around us. For exchange. The ways of making Arrigorri demonstrate his knowledge. Another example is the management of the multipurpose living room they have. They offer free use to all groups of social agents, provided that it is not for the private use of space. It opens a space in which the agents of the people will offer different activities, events, conferences, videos, musical performances... In this way, the area is not limited only to visitors, but also the citizens make their place in it. Arrigorri is a strategic space for tourism in Ondarroa and also for the use of municipal agents.
They use a cooperative management formula and the group currently consists of nine members. The cooperative Arrikoop is in line with other cooperative projects that drive an ethical, supportive and transformative economy, always placing people at the heart of the economy and not the other way around.
Elkartea: Arrikoop. Kooperatiba Elkarte Txikia.
Kokalekua: Ondarroa.
Helburua: Turismo eskaintza desberdina lantzea herrian eta eskualdean.
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