Upon my return to this house, when I measure the step, the first one is heavy, and I do not lean more than during the last few weeks without reflection. To have a free and ample place, I find it oddly difficult. With all my pleasure, the phrases start and they are forming in unfinished verse. I already knew that it came from Catholic education, not from initiation, but from perversity. I knew maybe I had too many issues to deal with, you don't know where to start. Because what the devil? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
There's nothing as uncomfortable as suspense. As a young man, a teacher prohibited me from using them. He said that they did not cause him any grace, which was not out of curiosity, but out of frustration: “Three points and we don’t know! Three points: Guess the sequence? Three points: I don't know and put whatever you want? Three points and what? Don't I dare? Don't I know what to think? Suivre? Those who don’t have a clear idea put them in: what is clear comes to lie down on paper themselves.”
Yes, of course. But here. Do we at Iparralde know what we're in? In the next few weeks, the votes in favour of the Commonwealth, people to people, will begin until March and with the aim of adapting our reality. If, for the time being, pragmatic opinion and calculations on papelites nailed on the corners of the coffee tables are in favour, the suspense is still in our occupations, in our conversations, in our thoughts. So far the supporters and the hopeful have spoken, pending the lifting of the flood of the opposing parties. Consideration has until recently been given to how to make the transition, deadlines, competences, services and staff. From this stage of implementation and organisation, there are major political, economic, social and tax concerns, of course, which will be addressed as a matter of priority. On the contrary, the favourite themes of the Basques, such as cross-border relations, the Basque country and culture, which, if they have been worthwhile, have merited special working groups and nights of reflection, will surely be dealt with chronologically after everyone else. Do you want to tell me to spend more time in the future? It's possible. And there are things that are not clear: How far are we going to be more advanced?
However, as long as the final result of the votes is not seen, the epilogue is written in points of suspensions. Three points. Because nobody knows what is going to happen and what can be put into this chapter. Because you don't know which northern people would give him the charges. Because after all, after two centuries, no one really knows the epilogue. Three points because nobody wants to imagine a dramatic succession. Because it is a proper reservation, too soon to raise doubts.
I believe that the North is like this at the moment, as if the breath had been abducted, impregnated with hypothetical conditions, full of concessive phrases. At least, I feel like that, higher than the mist. And those around you similarly, without throwing the towel that you're sitting on the bench next door, with lots of questions, but with consensus. Well, there may also be some, winged, smoked or lost, of course.
Disappointment teaches to mentalize customs beforehand and to be prudent with thoughtful thoughts and timid words…
It will continue ...
Berrogei urte dira Euskal Herrian autismoaren inguruko lehen azterketak eta zerbitzuak hasi zirela. Urte hauetan asko aldatu da autismoaz dakiguna. Uste baino heterogeneoagoa da. Uste baino ohikoagoa. Normalagoa.
Euskalgintzak Senpereko Larraldea etxea faltan botako du. Uda gabe, Bertsularien lagunak, bertan gelditzen den azken elkarteak, lekuz aldatuko du eta etxea hetsiko dute. Euskararen, euskal kulturaren eta arteen ohantzea izan da Larraldea, urte luzetan Andoni Iturrioz mezenasak... [+]
Badakizuenok badakizue, beste gauza asko bezala, euskararen aldeko borrokan ere politikoek, eragile batzuek eta hedabideek beraien antzezlana saldu nahi digutela, benetakoa balitz bezala.
Lehen urtean pozik jaso nuen, "Euskaraldi" hau. Zer edo zer zen, ezer ez zegoela... [+]
Euskarak, mendez mende, zapalkuntza sistematikoa jasan du, eta oraindik ere borrokan dabil egunerokoan bere leku duina aldarrikatzeko. Hizkuntza baten desagerpena ez da inoiz berez gertatzen; planifikazio politiko eta sozialak eragiten du zuzenean. Euskaldunoi ukatu egin izan... [+]
Puntueusek eta Cyberzaintzak elkarlanean ikusentzunezko baliabide pedagogiko bat sortu dute gazteentzat eta haiekin lan egiten duten profesionalentzat: irakasle, guraso eta hezitzaileentzat. Ikusentzunezko honen bidez, ziberjazarpena ezohiko ikuspegi batetik... [+]
Kamioiak ez sartu ez atera. Horrela eman dute goiza BSHko Eskirozko lantokian. Parez-pare langileak aurkitu dituzte protestan. Hilkutxa batekin, elkarretaratze formatuan lehenbizi eta Foruzaingoak esku hartu behar zuela jakin dutenean eserialdia egin dute erresistentzia pasiboa... [+]
Dakota Access oliobidearen kontrako protestengatik zigortu du Ipar Dakotako epaimahai batek erakunde ekologista, Energy Transfer Partners enpresak salaketa jarri ostean. Standing Rockeko sioux tribuak protesten erantzukizuna bere gain hartu du.
Sareak nabarmendu du Euskal Herri osoko eragileak daudela bertan eta deialdiak 140tik gora atxikimendu jaso dituela: "Horrek islatzen du zein den gaur egungo errealitatearen urgentzia, lurraren defentsaren beharra eta auziarekiko dagoen konpromezua".
Koalizio abertzaleko hiru ordezkariek ohar baten bidez euren "frustrazioa" adierazi dute proiektu fotovoltaikoa ezin gelditzeagatik: "Egoera horren aurrean, ez gara legegintzaldia amaitzeko indarrez sentitzen". Proiektu honi ez! plataformak salatu du EH Bilduren... [+]
Lau agenteak lesio-delituengatik ikertzen ari dira eta horrek galarazten du 2024ko amnistia aplikatzea. Polizia horietako batek, ustez, gomazko bala batekin begi bat zartatu zion Roger Español kataluniarrari.
Arrazismoaren aurkako nazioarteko eguna kari, larunbat honetan 16 alderdi, kolektibo eta elkartek deia luzatu dute, Baionako Marengo eta Pannecau zubien artean giza kate bat osatzeko. Aniztasuna, elkartasuna eta giza eskubideen errespetua aldarrikatzera deitu dute,... [+]
Ertzaintzak martxoaren 13an Bilbon zauritutako bi pertsonaren testigantza jaso ditugu. Athleticen partidaren ostean larriki zauritu zituzten aita-semeak, borra-kolpeka, eta atxilo eraman zuten haietako bat. Furgonetatik ikusi zuen ertzainek nola egin zuten tiro jendearen kontra,... [+]
Palestinarekin Elkartasuna plataformak osteguna, ostiral eta larunbatean eginen ditu protestak, Israel genozida. Palestinar erresistentzia aurrera! lelopean. Gernika-Palestina-k ere manifestazio nazionala antolatu du larunbaterako Donostian. Euskal Herriko Kontseilu Sozialistak... [+]