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This year Olentzero has gone without bans

Jagoba Manterola/ Argazki Press

Pamplona. After years of prohibitions and complicated situations, this year Olentzero (also called Olentzero, Onentzero, Onontzero, Orentzaro, Orantzaro…) has travelled the streets of Pamplona and for the first time has been received by the City Council, on the occasion of the change of municipal government of the elections last May. Members of the Friends of Olentzero association were pleased and added that “our Olentzero is not the Basque Bizarzuri. We're not promoting that idea, we're promoting the idea of popular mythology. Olentzero is the winter solstice, announcing that light comes.” In the photo, the parade for the Iturrama neighborhood of Pamplona/Iruña has been made in a peculiar way.

2024-12-27 | Julene Flamarique
EuskarAbentura 2025: Deadline for registration until 5 March
The EuskarAbentura 2025 expedition will offer 127 young people the opportunity to walk the seven territories, immersed in culture, history and landscapes. The selection of participants from EuskarAbentura is based not only on the quality of the projects, but also on criteria... [+]

2024-12-27 | Leire Ibar
United States and its allies deliver $260,000 million to Ukraine for military assistance
The United States and its Western allies have contributed a total of $260,000 million to Ukraine, mostly in armaments and military support, following the Russian invasion of 2022. Although this aid seeks to strengthen Ukraine ' s defence, the United Nations World Research... [+]

2024-12-27 | Julene Flamarique
Memorialist associations call to demonstrate on January 18 to demand the demolition of the Memorial to the Fallen
The memorialist associations have criticized the decision of the City of Pamplona not to proceed to the demolition of the Memorial to the Fallen. The mayor of Pamplona, Joseba Asiron, has been accused of "misinterpreting" the Democratic Memory Law and has called for a mobilization... [+]

2024-12-27 | Mikel Aramendi
Fourth year of the Myanmar Civil War
With the forthcoming vacuum media attention, especially if we compare it with the conflicts in the Middle East or Ukraine, but also with Sudan, the fourth year is on the way to the fulfilment of the civil war in Myanmar.

2024-12-27 | Leire Ibar
The success of the champagne industry is based on exploited labour
The Guardian newspaper analysed the situation of migrants working in the champan industry in Épernay, France. The study reveals the precarious and illegal conditions of those working in vineyards of luxury mushroom brands.

2024-12-27 | ARGIA
This year, the CAV has a total of 5,212 complaints of assault by the Holy Father, 8 per cent more than last year.
As of November 2024, 683 sexual assaults have been reported, 16.7% more than last year, according to data from Emakunde. There has also been an increase in the number of women who have reported domestic violence (975) and the number of women who have been assaulted by their... [+]

2024-12-27 | Euskal Irratiak
Benito Lertxundi
“Zuzeneko emanaldietan beharrezko den xarma galtzen ari nintzela sentitzen nuen”

Benito Lertxundi 60 urte iraun duen kantugintza uzten zuela jakinarazi du Durangoko azoka aitzin. 2023an Gernikan grabatu zuen kontzertu baten diskoarekin bururatuko du bere ibilbide handia bezain aberatsa. Bazuen urtea hartua zuela erabakia, ez da erraza izan horren berri... [+]

2024-12-27 | Gedar
Osakidetza cuts 110 health centers at Christmas
In the past Christmas, waiting periods of up to twelve hours were recorded, which have been extended to zero hours. Osakidetza applies such restrictions within 180 days a year.

Ibai Ripodas: “Balorazio oso positiboa egiten dugu, orain gazteek sortu beharko dituzte presoei elkartasuna helarazteko bide berriak”

Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.

2024-12-27 | ARGIA
The LAB trade union has denounced the appointment of URL0 director to "a person who does not know Euskera"
"A person who is not Euskaldun – Nagore de los Rios – has been elected by the EITB General Directorate and as the director of the Social Media section and, consequently, a person who does not know Euskera has been designated as the director of a media that has among... [+]

"Surveillance work is not a concrete activity, it is produced by patriarchal production relationships"
Once the thesis is finished, Lore Lujanbio is happy. Among other things, it has more time for militancy. Questioned about the challenges of the transfeminist movement, identifies: to address the appropriation that neoliberalism has made of the movement, to cope with the rise of... [+]

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