Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"When I was 22 years old, I used to register in the batzokis' trash."

  • One of the most prominent representatives of investigative journalism in the Basque Country is Ahoztar Zelaieta. He worked in the egin research group, then in the magazines Ardi Beltza and Kale Gorria. Since then he has published three books: Young Byzantine Burukides (2013, Txalaparta), La casta vasca (2014, self-production) and Kutxabank, the looting of Euskal Herria (2015, self-production). Now he prepares the digital magazine Gabe with Txisko Espinosa and Nuño Santillana.
Pepe Reirekin batera prentsaurreko bat ematen, 1998an.
Pepe Reirekin batera prentsaurreko bat ematen, 1998an.andoni canellada –Ahoztar Zelaietak utzia–

He started as a journalist in Egin, leaving school in 1995. Directly to the research team?

At that time there were few prepared candidates. I had enough courage when I was 22. I already had the habit of searching in the batzokis' trash. Pepe Rei thought I would be the right one for the job.

After the lockdown you created the Black Sheep. It was closed in 2001 and the subsequent creation of Kalegorria did not prosper.

The criminalisation of egin, the initiative against the Black Sheep and the Pepe Rei disease weakened the path of Kalegorria. I have subscribers and colleagues in my head and in my heart.

These were years of great tension from the closure of Egin to the closure of Black Ardi. How did these tensions affect him?

The personal bill has been very high. We dedramatized with acid humor: the Civil Guard witnessed it, for example, as we had curious encounters. At that time, I was a little macaroni, so I have to apologize to Arnaldo Otegi.

Then he studied Criminology.

After leaving active journalism, criminology gave me the opportunity to play with new tools and sources of research. And I made great friends, including the "maderos" and the "Basta Ya" association. I participated in the birth of the first association of criminologists in the Basque Country.

At that time you researched putas houses.

I made the map of prostitution in Gipuzkoa. 90% of prostitutes are slaves. The liberal worker is an exception. Most of them have to pay the fee and have their family abroad, under threat.

The last two books have been edited by you yourself. By choice or obligation?

With the txalaparta there is no “divorce”, only emancipation is self-production. I have collaborated with the Emphasizes and Fueralacasta projects. And from now on I am dedicated exclusively to the Gabe project.

What is investigative journalism now in?

The Gabe project has asked Euskal Herria that question. My goal in the Black Sheep was to end up in jail to demonstrate the lack of freedom of expression in the face of corruption. If I go ahead, my goal will be to get Urkullu’s smile, while I denounce his “misery”. I still believe in utopias.

Where is the trail left by Pepe Rei?

Our sandalio, David Fernández, a member of the CUP, was an exquisite student of Pepe Rey. Are you more successful than that? In fact, in the Gabe project we are the “Dalton brothers” of Pepe’s family to shoot Lucky Luke. Pepe is suddenly owed a tribute.

Why is there currently no research department in the Basque press? It's usually said to be expensive, but is there another reason?

There's a lot of local newspaper research. They're also investigative journalists. In Berria and Argia, I've read some papers recently. Ask the Basque press employers about the economic and political consequences that a department of investigative journalism may have. Ask journalists to investigate what pressure they have received, both on the outside and inside. Ask yourself.

Investigation, investigation report, muckracking... What denomination do you identify with?

I just have what is called “precision journalism.” There's too much filtration research.

Numerous cases of corruption have recently been detected in Spain. In Euskal Herria not so much. Do they happen less?

Are there less Sexist aggressions in Basque Country? Are the Basques not machistas? Are we talking about corruption recorded by judges and media? The head of the Euskadi Public Prosecutor’s Office and the President of the Court of Auditors have denounced the impossibility of the corruption of the PNV.

Is the honest Basque a myth?

Rulings against several mayors of the PNV will come gradually from here. I would suggest that prisons that they have to do specifically for them – it is an irony – should have open doors. When you assume your responsibility, you enter with the doors open and you go out into the street when you finish paying for the damages.

Is the Abertzale left free of corruption?

That was the obsession of Roberto Uriarte, the former leader of Podemos, and my answer is always the same: hundreds of journalists investigate the Abertzale left with a budget of billions. Either they're mediocre professionals or there's little corruption. I am dealing with under-developed areas.

Wikileaks is the time. What has muckracking changed over the net?

I'm suspicious of Wikileaks and other interested fillers. I do not like the information that is glaring and the patriotic-democratic legitimation. I would like to recommend the book Power and Communication by journalist Manuel Castells, which helps to understand the relations between social networks, the media and the political and economic forces. The voice of media management (Iñaki López, Jordi Évole, Wyoming, etc.) It serves to demystify.


“Apaiz izateari utzitako idazle baten semea, gaztetatik burubero eta bihurri xamarra izan nintzen. Izena Gabriel Arestiri zor diot, aititak Sabino jartzeko asmoa zuen baina berak Ahoztar jartzea lortu zuen. Zentsura garaietan izen germanikotzat hartu zuten erregistroan, eta onartu zuten. Prostitutak, poliziak, konfidenteak eta lapurrak izan ditut bidelagun eta batzuetan lagun. Rap musikari buruzko 121 la voz de los sin voz saioa egiten nuen Tas-Tas irratian. Gizarte salaketarako musika egokia da rap-a. Egunen batean Nik rap euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez liburua idatziko dut”.

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