After the election night, it is time to keep the promises that have been so burdened with socio-economic content. From right to left, all parties have ordered measures against social imbalance, poverty, unemployment, precariousness and social cuts; and in favour of decent wages and pensions, a minimum wage and higher social benefits, as well as the reception and integration of migrants. From now on we must demand that the rulers of governments and institutions comply.
Reality tells us that with this crisis the richest have made a profit. Companies listed in the IBEX-35 have earned a profit of EUR 30 billion between January and September, 14% more than in the same period last year. Meanwhile, social inequality has spread throughout the Basque Country and once again unemployment (200,000 people), poverty (140,000 people) and precariousness have a female face. Despite the increase in employment among women, it is less and more temporary. Women work 52% more than men, but they earn 24% less. Pensions are frozen and seven out of ten pensioners (total 665,000) charge less than EUR 1 000 per month. With the current minimum wage (EUR 648.6), no one can live.
Virtually no one has said how it will finance its electoral pledges. We have heard very little about taxes on banks, multinationals, big companies or fortunes, or measures against corruption and tax fraud, or cutting spending on the Monarchy and the military. Do we have to be prepared for new frustrations? Time will tell us.
Mariano Rajoyren inbestiduraren aurka, larunbatean manifestaziora deitu du 25-S erakundeak. Rajoy presidente bihurtuko duen inbestidura saioarekin batera abiatuko da. “Mafiaren kolpearen aurrean, demokrazia” leloarekin abiatuko da.
Espero zenez, Mariano Rajoy PPko hautagaiak ez du lortu Espainiako presidente izateko behar adina babes inbestidura saioko lehen bozketan. Baiezko 170 boto jaso ditu jarduneko presidenteak, eta 180 ezezko. Ez da abstentziorik izan.
Lehendakariak “oportunismoa” egotzi dio EH Bilduri Eusko Jaurlaritzaren ikasturte berriko lehen kontseilu bileraren ostean. Espainiako Gobernuari, abertzaleak mespretxatzea.
Hauteskunde biharamuneko ARGIAren azal honek eskaintzen zuen irudia ez zen txantxetakoa. Hori da Mariano Rajoyren ahotan entzungo den diskurtsoa, Espainia urdinarena. Tribunatik Espainiako eskuinaren nagusitasun ia erabatekoa barreiatuko da.
Datozen 48 orduetan PPk bere eskaerak betetzen ez baditu, inbestidura saioan baiezkoa emateko negoziaketak bertan behera utziko ditu Ciudadanosek.
100 egun igaro dira Espainiako Estatuko hauteskundeak egin zirenetik, eta alderdi politikoetako ordezkariek ez dute gobernua osatzerik lortu. Abenduaren 20ko bozetatik akordioak erdiesteko ahaleginean jardun dute zenbait alderdik, batez ere, PSOEk.
Aurreikusita zegoen gisara, Pedro Sanchezek ez du lehen inbestidura saioan presidente izatea lortu; PSOEko hautagaiari ez zaio aski izan Ciudadanos eta Nueva Canarias alderdien babesa. Sanchezek gehiengo absolutua zuen beharrezko Gobernuko presidente izateko.
“Nahiko nuke Espainiar estatuak David Cameron eta Angela Merkelek egin dutena egin dezan, haiek barkamena eskatu dutelako Derryn 'Bloody Sunday' izenekoan eta nazien holokaustoan gertatutakoagatik", azaldu du Gasteizko alkateak.
PSOE barneko hautsak harrotu ditu Pedro Sanchez eta Albert Riveraren arteko akordioak. Alderdiko idazkari nagusiak asteartean iragarri zuen Ciudadanosekin bat egiteko erabakia, Espainiako gobernuko presidente izateko ahaleginean. Hala ere, Ciudadanosen babesa ez zaio aski, eta... [+]
The re-election is the only option for the Spanish Government’s President to remain in the office of President. In this case, the pp may have no choice but to present Rajoy and, if he recovers some of the votes that have escaped to Citizens by that means, he may extend the... [+]
Here are the words of ruthless Frank Underwood: “Democracy is valued disproportionately.” What he said after he came to the presidency of the United States, using a lot of tricks and not presenting himself to the elections. It is an episode of the exciting House of Cards... [+]
Don Felipe is furious and does not know how to conceal. Peripheral Spain has angered His Highness. In the Royal House and in the Administration of the State it represents, it is unacceptable that the periphery be a sociological entity that goes beyond the folkloric varnish. And... [+]
There were not many of us who announced the victory of Podemos in Hego Euskal Herria. There was no more than looking beyond the surveys, the historical series of electoral behaviour and the evolution of the campaign. If the Pablo Iglesias party had not won in the South, it would... [+]
The clouds of cutbacks are increasingly announcing storms in Spain. These are the household tasks to be carried out in 2016 in the language of the European Union. When the Spanish economy “is overcoming the crisis” or “is the economy that grows the most in the EU”, as... [+]
PPk irabazi ditu Espainiako hauteskunde orokorrak, baina gobernu berria eratzea ez zaio erraza suertatuko. Ciudadanosekin ez du babes nahikorik, eta PSOEk momentuz argi utzi du ez duela PPren gobernurik babestuko.