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Citizen loan to young people without interest

Ipar Euskal Herriko barnealdean gazteen ihesa saihestu eta  hauek lurraldeko jardun ekonomikorako agente izan daitezen, herritarren elkartasunezko aurrezki sistema jarri du martxan Euskaldun Gazteriak.
Ipar Euskal Herriko barnealdean gazteen ihesa saihestu eta hauek lurraldeko jardun ekonomikorako agente izan daitezen, herritarren elkartasunezko aurrezki sistema jarri du martxan Euskaldun Gazteriak.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Interior of Ipar Euskal Herria Low. The Basque Youth Group, which has been working since 1966 and which in 2009 needs a new field of influence, chooses to create the Local Youth Savings Group (GALT) which is already underway in Zuberoa. We are living in quite absurd years, not only young people, but Euskaldun Gazteria has addressed this part of society – it is not necessary to explain why, it will only be sufficient by its name. The flight of young people through the area is increasing, with the closure of small businesses, a future not far away for a people that shows dark colors. No need and no desire to work.

Here working and living

GALT is a partnership created to make young people in the surrounding area active in the economic activity of the territory. From the moment a young man receives the witness of a company that already comes or creates a new one, he will have a place in his village. Possibility to work and live in it.

In order to give this impetus, a system of solidarity savings, GALT, has been set up in Lower Navarra. In the period 2011-2013, four projects have been supported and in 2015 it has been continued with a second GALT.

It is the people, the citizens, who lend the loan to the young. He is brought forward with money to have the first income to reach the company, and when he has been with the activity for a few months, the money raised will be returned without interest.

Each attendee brings EUR 180 a year, but if you wish you can make a monthly payment of EUR 15 a month. The projects are analyzed and selected by a technical team composed of Euskaldun Gazteria, the driving force of the companies of the Basque Country, a bank representative, an accountant and a group of citizens who are committed to the development of the territory.

The aim is to create long-term enterprises that put people at the centre, that participate in the economic dynamics of the territory, that respect the environment and all this by putting in place solidarity mechanisms in the territory.

Gazteendako aurrezkirako lekuko taldea

Programa: Gazteendako Aurrezkirako Lekuko Taldea (GALT).

Antolatzailea : Euskaldun Gazteria.

Eragite eremua: Nafarroa Beherea

Helburua: Baxenabarreko 35 urtez beherako gazteek enpresa bat sortu edo berriz hartzeko laguntza jasotzea, herrian lan eta bizi ahal izateko.

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