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We know what the English B model can bring

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In Navarre society there has been a great controversy over the English Learning Programme (PDI) and the Public Job Offer announced by the Department of Education in recent months. The first major street mobilization against the government of Uxue Barkos has focused on the English issue: Thousands of people were called by associations of mothers and fathers from schools that already have British - IIP programs in Pamplona/Iruña, according to the Municipal Police 3,200. At the beginning of the course, the Government of Navarra decided to paralyse the dissemination of the PDI until a review was carried out and the results could be seen well. Counsellor José Luis Mendoza stressed that these models have been put in place to harm model D.

Despite being a few, in the mid-2000s these educational programs began to proliferate in English, with British, HTB (Integrated Language Treatment, TIL in Spanish) or later with IIP. There are few casualties here, the increases in model D occurred at times when public network enrollment increased to 27-28%. The highest increases in the PDI occurred in the years 2013-14 and 2014-15, extending to 20 and 30 centers, respectively. Currently, 80% of the public network centers of model A and G offer the program. It has only spread in three centres of Model D, which is also very significant.

The Government of Navarra regularly sells as a voluntary programme, asks for classes and is offered from the Government of Navarra. But the reality is very different and many centers have been forced to start with the program, including the Sartagudo, Sesma or Falces classes. In 2013, the EILAS trade union also reported that most schools were imposing the PDI.

In general, and although the offer may be broader or smaller, English and Spanish are distributed between 40 and 60% of the subjects. In other words, it is a kind of model B, a model that has almost disappeared, since for years it has yielded very few results both in the competition and in the competences of the Basque Country. That is, we know perfectly well that this is a bad model, but by selling the English sky that program has settled in much of the network. Prestige, world, work -- those are the baits. But what's really behind these amujos? Mostly smoke.

Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera: “Are we all educating for our sons and daughters to be senior executives of multinationals?” As for the offer of English, this March the Madrid linguist spoke at ARGIA. There is no doubt that English should be learned well in the educational community, it is about agreeing what is “good”. The most important myth is that English is practically the same as work. It will be needed in those jobs that demand relations with foreign people, but they are the least in Navarra. In the last two decades, in Navarra the knowledge of the Basque Country has been much more important in the search for employment than English. It is one of the great victories of the Basques today. And that's basically because Euskera is the language of Navarre, because thousands of families have decided or want to live in Euskera, or want Euskera for their sons and daughters, either because it's here or because it can help them work.

To do so, model D is chosen, which is the only one that offers the minimum capacity to live in a language. However, it is not enough to live in Euskera, because education is nothing more than a sector of society. The key, after all, is: Why should English bilingualism serve students at the end of their studies? For many things, no doubt, but at least to live in that language. We Basques have accumulated enough experience to know what level of bilingualism can offer a kind of model B.

In fact, it is significant that the British model and the federation of parent associations of PAI centers, Britila, go to the website to learn how they understand bilingualism: everything is in Spanish, has no possibility to read in English. However, one of its objectives is to “promote and organize cultural activities in English”.

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