Trapped by the early guitar chords, we quickly plunged into HAN. First work by the Elorrio group (Bizkaia). On the album you can hear large doses of energy, nice melodies, emotional passages and medium-time rock rhythms. They've made a dense sound, and the songs convey a lot of force.
The album is the result of two years of work. The songs are well prepared, carefully prepared, and all the arrangements and details have been well measured and accomplished. The recording, mixing, mastering and production are carried out by Karlos Osinaga during the summer. He's done a great job, and the disc is heard loud, loud and clear.
The letters of Umea and are based on poems of Joseba Sarronandia and Oier Guillan, and the rest have been written with the help of andere Toledo. They have also been assisted by: Ibon Bilbao has sung on Mount Narru azala, and Itziar Bastarrika, Libe Gaztelu and Iker Nafta have made the skin design.
Love, the desire to be free and many other issues revolve around songs. For example: “Liberated on the walls that long ago came out of their hiding place! Until you fall, until the walls collapse!” (Nadando); “Poetry is to get entangled with him in bed instead of entangling more with someone, and unravel with him” (Poetry) and “I will dance to a position with floral shirts in the broad market of Paris in the form of a madam.”
Gorka Molero (guitar), Karlos Gómez (bass), Miguel León (drums) and Nerea Lersundi (voice) are the components of the group. THERE. Prior to its foundation, Ama Say, Las Ratas, Mokaua, Non Demontre, Antton, Yakuzi, Tunnel 483 and other groups have worked in various fields. It is evident that Gorka and Karlos are very experienced musicians, Miguel brings the rhythm with great force and Nerea also with great strength. THERE. The group is your first known musical project, but it doesn't seem to have made your first album, because it looks like it's been easy and comfortable.
THERE. It's going to be a team that gives the keys. There's something special in his songs. The team is clear about what they want and how they do it, and they do it seriously.
Bonberenea Ekintzak, 2015
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