Eggplant is known as heavy. The gardener who works with him, you know, is a mainship, unhappy, hard to understand and immediately shows his thorns, trill. The growth of berenguenza is a way of life. Heavy!
How sweet and tasty to eat what the Arabs brought us!
A word for the musician Alberjinia to complete the song of the terrar:
Having been a compostor does not come
from there, from Compostela mine and the name
Santio, our father owes to what was his.
The Galicians, like us, have a hole
in the back,
that gets in front, that gets out from behind and that gives life.
From now on, from now on.
Whatever you want, stay with me five!
We learned as a child. plost in pants!
the atalayero, the masonry, the earth, the moat -- it's not a moat;
whoever wants to satiate the worm of curiosity.
Sats, manure, manure, manure, shit, excrement, bed,
bedspread, sepulchre -- we have something to
learn, although we supposedly know it by mistake.