In Greek, the term psychotropic means “what makes your head or mind turn or turn.” It will be a job as inadequate as turning and correcting the head and the desire that we have in our daily lives.
Maybe the leek you've drawn is the best known, but in the orchard there are many benefits that affect the head. More and more tobacco, sleep, asthma, witch, ebony, cannabis, etc. Interesting mushrooms also grow in lots of manure and dirt. We cannot forget the Artabus, who in this way burn the flowers of the hydrangea back to the garden, the leaves of the chestnut, the malva, the sunflower and a long and so on.
The most psychotropic, however, are the same vegetables: a soft onion or carrot (kras-kras), a parsley tea, a spicy bell pepper, a raw pea, Brussels cabbage... One of the best ones to spin my head: a lettuce or a freshly cut lettuce. Pulling the lettuce, a very healthy cigarette is made with the wild lettuce, the ancestor of the current lettuce...
Gaur abiatu da Bizi Baratzea Orrian kide egiteko kanpaina. Urtaro bakoitzean kaleratuko den aldizkari berezi honek Lurrari buruzko jakintza praktikoa eta gaurkotasuneko gaiak jorratuko ditu, formato oso berezian: poster handi bat izango du ardatz eta tolestu ahala beste... [+]