The Islamic State behaves with art in the West: art and art makes us fall into the trap.
“The Islamic State has entered the ‘second phase’ of its plan. With a mediocre caliphate installed in Syria and Iraq, it now excites the West to react like a crazy one and sunk. Hard politicians are falling into that trap.” William R. Polk is the way Falling into the ISIS Trap speaks in an extensive analysis.
William R. Polk (Texas, 1929) is an expert in international relations. In 1962, when the Cuban missile crisis led the United States and the Soviet Union to almost war, John F. was an advisor to Polk. Kennedy in a conflict management cabinet.
In June 2014, Polk outlined in another in-depth analysis (Understanding Islamic Fundamentalism) the strategy of the Islamic State, with particular reference to a book that he believed summarized it. His title (Idarah at-Tawhish) has been translated into English as Management of Desolation, which in Basque would be “Management of Destruction”. It is unclear whether its author, Abu Bakr Naji, is the only man or a committee that bears that nickname.
According to the former Yankee official, the IS achieved in a few days what it intended with the massacres it carried out in Paris, Mali Bamako, Beirut and Egypt, by exploiting the Russian aircraft. France, Russia, the United States and company have launched a military campaign to dismantle IS.
What this kind of military campaign has already been seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere in the EU. “EI has learned the lesson,” Polk says, but it seems that our leaders have not learned it.”
Firstly, this asymmetric war is also asymmetrical in costs. The fight for IS is pretty cheap. They have settled in rural areas, and when they are hit, they disperse and hide waiting for new opportunities. However, those of us who live in the industrialized societies of the great villas cannot do so.
They do a lot of damage with little cost, and we do very little damage to them by spending large sums. In September 2001, Islamists, at a cost of $1 billion, caused more than 2,000 deaths and possibly more than $100 billion in losses to the United States. The massacres in Paris were not going to cost them any more on 13 November.
Like Al Qaeda in 2011, EiTB expects with the current attacks that the Westerners will respond with the bomb against the Islamists. Millions of people will flee, but even more will stay in place, and our massive blind shatters will bring the population into the arms of IS.
We Westerners spend a lot of money on our military operations, Polk plagues, but we win the hearts of a few. “Because we have not yet understood what a guerrilla war is.”
When Napoleon invaded Spain in the 19th century, he could not understand how the Spaniards did not welcome them. Although they had come to liberate themselves from absolutism, in their view, the French soldiers, guerrillas and the majority of the population saw nothing but the oppressive foreign army. Napoleon would write later that those Iberian guerrillas had destroyed their project.
Dio William R. Polk envisages three stages in his strategy. Firstly, to humiliate the enemy, to open the chaos so that the foreign powers and their poles of hands get tired and go crazy, while the guerrillas learn to manage the command effectively.
In a second phase, the shattering has spread – someone has translated “propaganda of savagery” in Spanish. Small-scale attacks in Asia, Africa or Europe. What we're seeing now. “The IS strategy expects the U.S. and the Crusaders [the pagan foreign powers] to launch into the military counter-attack, thus contributing to the expansion of the jihadist and encouraging thousands of young people to participate in the resistance.”
The jihadists, by allowing the great powers to be ashamed of their reprisals, want to deepen the gap between the population of origin and the population of foreign origin in order to increase security costs. The key is cost.
It is no coincidence that tourism and leisure have been attacked this autumn. Mali, a famous hotel in Bamako. To blow up a Russian aircraft came from the isolation area of Sharm el Sheikh in the Sinai (Egypt). In Paris, trendy nightclub, hostels... Their echo has been impressive, all of a sudden in the West security has been the top priority of citizens.
We have realized that the targets of the jihadists are numerous. State institutions, banks, power plants, nuclear power plants, malls, theatres... If they need to be protected, security costs have increased at the speed of the shooting. All of a sudden, some of the public spending that could not be touched if it was not further reduced: any exception in the army and security, as they have demonstrated in France, will be accepted.
The Islamic State is thus in a position to enter a third phase, that of building a “fighting society” or caliphate. Those who think that the Islamic State is a band of madmen will have to look better at the policy they are pursuing in the territories that they have taken on their property; closer to that.
Europe, the USA and Russia are therefore gradually entering the picture they have already suffered: Just as Napoleon entered and fell from witches in Spain, Mao Zedong supplied the same drug to the Japanese when they invaded China, similar to Ho Chi Minh City to France and the United States in Vietnam, one to the Russian Afghans...
As if that were not enough, the great powers of the North-West are unable to organize a single front against the Islamic State, because they have them as their allies -- just the smallest powers that have created IS and contributed to its funding.
British expert Nafeez Ahmed explains the reason in his article “Islamic State is NATO protected”: “The West is subject to Muslim revolts that promote terror, because it needs them to get oil and gas in the Middle East, the Mediterranean and the Middle East.”
William R. Polk is not optimistic with his 86 years: “Unfortunately, I believe we have embarked on the path of one or more decades of fear, indignation, disaster and loss of fundamental freedoms.”
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