I do not want to have a regular dialogue based on experience. How your transition process has been, when you’ve noticed, etc…
I am glad that I too am very lazy. I would rather go elsewhere and avoid such questions. So far I have answered many times what it is to be trans, how my transition has been, when and how I have started the hormonal process... I've responded by thinking I could mostly help people who have that experience, but lately I'm tired of it. I do film, I participate in different collectives, and that's where I want to tell things. In addition, I realize that my experience is nothing but mine and that there are thousands of ways of being trans. Everyone has yours. I have grown up in a neighborhood in Barcelona, I have my medical parents and I have not experienced the process in the conflictive way that others live. But I know that many other trans people live a lot more lonely and complex.
Participates in the Trans Culture project since 2005. What is it?
Above all, we are promoting new references. With this, we seek to transform the structure of the system and fully integrate trans culture into society. We also have a special interest in creating building messages for the new trans generations, who can think of a future from a more positive place. All of this we want to do from the point of view of culture because we know that culture has an enormous transformative power, in many cases superior to that of conventional policies.
Speaking of referents… What is the panorama in cinema?
If you do an online search, you'd be surprised by the shortage of referrals. In recent years, film director Lana Wachowski (V de Vendett a, Matrix…) is the most cited. Suddenly, the presence of a trans person in mainstream with full recognition has broken the forms of regulated thinking: trans people, besides practicing prostitution, can work in the movies and make movies like Matrix. But beyond Wachowski there will be far more trans people in the movies, a few in front of the camera and others behind the camera.
Do you think that helps?
Well, I have contradictions. On the one hand, I believe that visibility is necessary. As I said, the fact that trans referents are in official or socially accepted circuits can help people living through the process. But on the other hand, I don't think that those trans people who become visible represent the entire community. It often seems that they are only famous characters that are allowed a dose of frivolity.
This has little to do with what many people live in.
Of course, this is not the reality of the trans community. I would say that a vast majority of trans people still experience exclusion. Believe me, I've been in trans activism for a long time, and I've seen everything. Transsexuality and exclusion are still very related concepts: finding work, conducting hormonal processes with medical follow-up, coping with the damages derived from the stigma… There are still many difficulties and that is why I believe it is essential to recover and disseminate other trans references.
That is, it works for a more dignified representation.
That's right. It's curious, because lately I'm focusing on the subject of representation, especially on fiction, and I'm coming to a conclusion. When you want to represent trans people in the movie or in advertising, most of the time they're men, whether they're trans men or trans women. The film Transamerica is one of the few roles in which a woman plays the role of a trams, precisely the one starring the actress Felicity Huffman. After all, I think that behind that is the influence of patriarchy, and that therefore men are recognised as trans to a greater extent than women.
Finally: What is the movie that Pol Galofre would like to make?
Ufa -- hard question. I can tell you what my last job is. We have secured funding for a project where we are trying to connect and make the world of work and transsexuality visible. We're working on the documentation of trans people who work in different jobs. And as always, we're finding far more cases than we thought. It is an interesting project, after all, we intend to show that trans people are in many places.
“Beti ibili izan naiz mugimendu feministan parte hartzen eta elkarlanean ekimen andana antolatzen. Azkenaldi honetan autodefentsaren inguruan lan handia egin da, ikusita nola hazten ari den erasoen kopurua. Nik ikastaroak jaso ditut, baina azkenaldian gizon trans-ek horietan duten parte hartzearekin zalantzak ditut; azken batean, gizonen irudia ordezkatzen dugu eta hori emakume batzuentzat deserosoa izan daiteke”