In view of the attacks by Islamic State (ISIS), it is not easy to find reasons for the situation in French society, especially when there are 130 deaths in front of it. It is even more difficult to do so when the press, radio and television channels have been focusing the story of Paris and Mali on the official speech for days. But it is important to know what deep interests are at stake and to raise the voice in the face of media manipulation, which is in the hands of people with a great responsibility for what has happened.
It is true that the situation is very complex, this is not a war between God and Allah. We are talking about a war with economic interests and thousands of innocent people are paying for its consequences. Armoury companies are making huge profits, even on the Stock Exchange their value is increasing rapidly. We cannot forget the colonial past of these hot spaces: local dictators are supported to control their resources as appropriate. The Americans, the British, the Russians and the French are jointly bombing the Islamic State, knowing that, once it has disappeared, they will have the door open to control the resources and the oil wells in the area and will achieve a strategic oil flow to the West and East.
One of the ways of responding to these bombings is to commit attacks around the world, often desperately. Meanwhile, the leaders of the G20 observe a minute’s silence over the victims of the Paris and Mali attacks. A pure cynicism, for they are primarily responsible for the maze in which Iraq and Syria are situated and for the grave situation they live. So because they depend on capital, they've created a big business with war.
The reader knows that I am following closely the issue of the terrible attacks of 2015 in Paris, thanks to the media that I have at my disposal. Salah Abdeslam was the only survivor of the commands that led to the death of 130 citizens and his main burden of doing justice. He... [+]
Urtarrilaren 20an Siriako Ipar eta Ekialdeko Autoadministrazioaren menpe dagoen Hasake hiriko espetxeari eraso diote auto suizidekin, milaka islamista askatzeko. YPGk kontrola berreskuratu arren, tiroketek jarraitzen dute, Daex-eko zenbait kide ezkutatu baita.
Jose Manuel Villarejo espainiar polizia ohiak adierazi ostean Espainiako inteligentzia zerbitzuek 2017ko atentatuak gerta zitezen utzi zutela, Kataluniako Gobernuak zer gertatu zen ikertzeko exijituko dio Espainiako Gobernuari. Halakorik egin ezean, auzia nazioarteko... [+]