We have long heard and reproduced our views against the big financial institutions. Whether they are mortgage scams, preferred, corruption cases… However, most citizens hide our salaries and savings in it, in many cases without knowing what they are used for. However, there are alternatives: entities operating in the labor field known as ethical finance. One of them is Oikocredit, a cooperative society that, with the money provided by its partners, supports by providing projects aimed at tackling poverty in the countries of the southern hemisphere. Fluctuations in loans and investments are decided on in the international central body, but it has 30 partnerships around the world in 13 countries that make it possible. In Euskal Herria also: Oikocredit Euskadi
In order to be a member of the cooperative, it is necessary to make a minimum investment of 200 euros through the purchase of capital from the cooperative, which allows those who contribute to participate in all the decisions of Oikocredit Euskadi. In addition to the benefit it generates socially, it is also economically profitable: the percentage agreed in the annual assembly, which is usually 2%, increases annually to own investment. The partner has the possibility to decide whether to recover or maintain that money at the end of the year.
Transparency is also the hallmark of Oikocredit, at least in comparison with traditional financial institutions. According to Jorge Berezo, director of the Euskal Herria team, the partners have many ways to learn about the projects with which they collaborate with their money. The simplest route is to consult the database they have on the web, but there are also others closer: “At least once a year, trips are organized to get to know firsthand the projects we have supported, and we are also visited by people who are working on some of them.”
The economic crisis has not led to a decline in Oikocredit’s activity. This is what Jorge Berezo says: “In recent years, it has been noted that many people have had less money to invest, but at the same time, the crisis has aroused great curiosity about ethical finance.”
That of other financial models is not the path that is made individually. They therefore have a close relationship with other institutions working in the same field in the Basque Country. Together with Fiare, Koop57 and CAES, they are part of the Bureau of the Alternative Finance System within REAS and are also members of Fiare. Everyone is opening a path that shows that finances can be managed differently.
Bazkideak: 220 Euskal Herrian.
Jarduera: Finantza etikoak.
Euskal Herrian egoitza: Bilbo.
Noiztik martxan: 2004.
Bazkide inbertitzaileak: 53.000 mundu osoan
Laguntza jasotzen duten erakundeak: 799.
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When they heard the store name they were going to open in Zarautz to this one that I'm in front of the computer, they laughed a little bit. In our house are called the dwarf lakes and the beautiful asses. And I thought, what a curious name for a healthy food store! I knew nothing... [+]
Bilbi plaza. Four and a half. Davide Angelilli, 24, accepts the invitation of coffee after eating. The young Italian spent the first year in the heart of San Francisco. He came from Rome to Bilbao to do the master's degree and joined the solidarity housing program. Housing rental... [+]
Jarduera: Altzarien tapizatzea eta zaharberritzea.
Kokapena: Eibar.
Izaera juridikoa: Kooperatiba.
Noiztik martxan: 2014ko irailetik.
Kide kopurua: 2.
Eibarko San Miguel de Aginaga... [+]
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