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Triplicate unmadden

Gurbitza (Arbutus unedo).
Gurbitza (Arbutus unedo).
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In this beginning of fall, which is the time of the fruits, the trogloditez reaches my skin unintentionally. We have forgotten a lot of nuts that have kept us for thousands of years. And as soon as they see me, they hold my hand and hang it on me, I'm stripped by the spirit. I try to do it whenever I can, I know very little ecstasy like that intentional fading ...

Mizpira is one of those fruits, Mespilus germanica. I don't know a native. I've never been able to know, but is this species completely sterile from the seed? If it is mizpira, it must be embedded on some other plant: quince (Cydonia oblonga), white hawthorn (Crataegus spp. ), pears (Pyrus communis), maaltza (Pyrus cordata), Japanese mizpirondo (Eryobotria japonica), pears nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia) and gurbea (Sorbus domestica). Mizpira does not have the habit of holding on; it almost rots before maturation. However, this tendency to triple without going crazy does not waste the fruit: the sweetest is when it rots; it can be surprising to the palates of today, but it is a whim for the most speakers.

The wheel that sweetens Mizpi is also called “udalatxa” or “udalatza”, as it resembles that of the sloping pear or the maalla, as it bears its fruits. There are also people who call it "Gurbia." Also the tray or stack. Also called "gurbea" is the apple or maza (Malus sylvestris). At home we call it “Gurbitza”, Arbutus unedo that others call aagorri, animania, bubble, bubble, kaudana, garangorri, gurbiote, gurriote, kurkuxa and kurpitza. For us it is the Sorbus torminalis masstack that also call “the source” and “the basagurbea”. It is also called “zurbala” and its igalia “zurba”; hence on the scale, urban, zurbarambarri... Her other mason (Sorbus aucuparia) is called “udalatxa”, as well as atsolizarra, ostalizarra, chorizo and manure. They have the Hostazuria, Sorbus aria section. And the thorns of the same family of roses, the spider... Etc.

All old fruits. It is of short duration, but in the autumn it will make the palate feasible. Those who are going to make a deep impression and abduct your mind.

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