Born 20 July 1960. Three minutes before reaching the lunar surface of Apollo 11, the ship's computer alarms were launched. The computer was overloaded with receiving and receiving data. An unnecessary radar system for the Moon began to unexpectedly update one of the computer's counters. The mission was on its way to getting lost.
But the Apollo flight software 11.aren, for the first time, was developed with an asynchronous execution. In understandable terms, the computer continued to function properly, as it was designed to move forward with preferred jobs and to paralyse less important activities. Margaret Hamilton (Paoli, USA)
After studying mathematics at the University, she started her career in high school, teaching mathematics and French classes. Despite his intention to continue learning abstract mathematics, in 1960 he began developing weather forecasting software at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In art, software engineering didn't even exist as a discipline. In fact, Hamilton is attributed to the fact that he has begun to use the concept of software engineering. He and his predecessors, like him, continued their journey. And that road, three years later, led to NASA.
He worked on the AGC software development team (Apollo Guidance Computer) and later became the software programming director of the Apollo and Skylab missions. And of course, on July 20, 1969, the asynchronous software created by him saved Apollo 11 from defeat. In 1971, Hamilton wrote, in a letter, about this historic summer day: “The computer – or rather the computer’s internal software – realised that they were asking for more tasks than they had to perform. Then he set the alarm in motion. To astronauts, this meant: I'm overburdened, I'm doing more than I should, and I'm just going to keep up with the most important tasks. I mean, the ones that are necessary for the moon. However, the computer was not only programmed to detect failure conditions. In this case, it removed lower-priority tasks and restored the most important ones. If the computer has not detected and solved the problem, I doubt that the arrival of Apollo 11.aren to the moon was a success.”
A total of twelve men, all men, have stepped on the moon during the night. So, Margaret Hamilton has never stepped the surface of our natural satellite, but if it were not for him, on 21 July 1960, the day after his landing, Neil Armstrong would not have taken for him that small and so great step for humanity.
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