With the Thursday concerts of groups from Euskal Herria, you never know if the group that will get people to leave Kutxa, or will touch fewer people than they deserve. In this case, the Transparent Being moved us, a sign that they were playing at home.
The concert began with the first two songs by Aurri Gara, and although that led us to think that we were going to listen to the whole album, for the third one, Jon Basaguren and the crew began to throw away the work Bukatik hasi. And here we started to notice the difference between the previous two and the work they were presenting.
On this vague frontier between pop and rock is the sound of Izaki Gardenak, which has often been labeled with a broad American label. Well, in this Aurri Gara that you just published, the songs slide a little bit further into pop. And I think that's what the change of guitarist has influenced: The style of Joseba Baleztena, former guitarist, was more rocker; the current arrangements of Eneko Leza are simpler, they do not stand out so much.
As the concert progressed, the songs of all the albums appeared. They played the only one by Itsasargiak, Ni naiz, a song of marked American character that the audience accompanied the band. On the other hand, the most rocker song they usually play, Ene Begietan, by Ruper Ordorika, was published for the 30th anniversary collection of Hala Bedi Irratia. Well, the voice demonstration did it throughout the concert and Basaguren does it in all performances, because it has and has a theme for it.
It is true that, however, it “demonstrates” less than in the group’s first concerts, which is now more measured. In the presentation of the album he said: “Instead of teaching something, I wanted to do something good.” And when they were doing well, among other things, Piztie warned us in the song, when Jon's voice joined that of Eneko Leza and that of the keyboardman Libe García de Cortazar. What an elegant refrain! Undoubtedly, the most complete song of the album and of the concert.
It took about an hour when the last song was announced, and the Wall and the Wind started singing. Tom Petty! I said to the neighbor, he nodded. He had an acute nuance. We played the craziest song by Aurri Gara, entered and went out to Jimmy Jazz's camerinos and greeted us with the song Nora gabeko.
When we finished, with the feeling of listening to a couple more songs to taste, we approached the counter and with the disc in hand, we went back to the street. In the next few days, listening to the album, I thought it has a much rocker sound than the live one, and it's not common. Perhaps, being the second show concert, they held him too long… Those who attend another concert, you will say.
Gasteizko jimmy jazz aretoa, azaroak 12
Hurrengo kontzertuak:
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