The Communist Party and the Chinese military control the British nuclear power stations... Is it not a nightmare for the British neoliberal conservatives? No, then, and the pact has been concluded in Brindis with Xi Jianping by the old queen Elisabeth, who will one day be queen Kate and Prime Minister David Cameron.
Like the pig, everything is said to take advantage of the atomic power plants that EDF Ellectricite de France and China General Nuclear Power Corporation will have in the work of Nikley Point by 2025. The United Kingdom will produce 7% of the electricity it needs. For 35 years, Megawat will offer 92 pounds, twice what it cost today, is one of the few heels.
At a cost of £24.5 billion (EUR 34.5 billion), its construction will involve £100 million for the region’s economy, some £2 billion in 35 years. It will mean a carbon saving for the environment equivalent to that of two million cars. In the years in which 25,000 jobs are being built...
Dealing with Chinese nuclear weapons is so full of benefits that it will probably extend to more than the London Government wants to build. Two have already been mentioned: Construction of Sizewell in the Suffolk and Bradwell region in Essex.
In the last twenty years no new plants have been built in the United Kingdom. However, the Cameron Government has reported that eight new ones have been lifted, seven of which are close to the expiry date. In Hinkley Point, in the Somerset region, he has to replace his old old man.
European Pressurised Reactors (EPR) type reactors are planned for the United Kingdom. This system, created by EDF, has, however, raised many doubts as to timing and costs. The construction of two EPR-type plants in Europe, that of Flamanville in France and that of Olkiluoto in Finland are worsening calculations, increasing deadlines and increasing costs much more than expected.
Many citizens ask what the Chinese come to organise such a strategic atomic energy for a country. David Cameron put the main argument on the banknotes to the table: That the London Government has no money to invest in it.
British Finance Minister George Osborne said that “if we spend money on that, we will not stay to fund the health system and schools.” Cameron wanted to explain more venthly what the conservatives have been making very clear for a long time: The priority is to reduce the state deficit. So, atomic energy is so good that the way to invest in it is to attract private companies.
In The Guardian, Aditya Chakrabortty graphically depicted the deceit of conservatives: “Osborne now proclaims the renationalization [of energy], even if it is not Britain to leave it to a nation.” It is strange that they are right-wing politicians, those who despise those who advocate that infrastructures and strategic companies should be in public hands as ridiculous Marxists, those who give atomic energy to China.
British Dio Chakrabortty: "Cameron wants to sell everything we have left, including student credits, and that's what we have left. Nuclear is no more than the final punchline. We will not build, we will not own, we will not control. But we pay the bill ourselves: losing jobs, eliminating taxes, paying more energy in the winters.”
The Ecologist magazine has analyzed Cameron's decision from two very different angles: the economic and political characteristics of the business, on the one hand, the new power plants and on the other, the risks that are causing the steps that are being taken in China's atoms in general.
Jeffrey Henderson, a professor at the University of Bristol, has argued that the road taken by Hinkley Point leads to the bankruptcy of the big banks and nothing good for the citizens. Because how to understand a pact like the one that has many military against, the nuclear power plants next to the door to foreigners (the Communists!) The one who leaves them?
According to Henderson, “to understand the paradox we must look carefully at another component of the British government’s arrow with President Xi Jinping: the ever closer relationship between the financial services of both countries.”
The famous City of London has long assumed the independence of the United Kingdom. Since the 17th century it has specialized in speculation, and the politico-economic elite that governs today is the representative of that City, not the representative of the British people. That’s why Xi Jianpiang and Cameron have taken new steps in connecting the Shanghai and London bags.
“Unfortunately, the Chinese financial system is also full of corrupt credits. The economic recession can make these poisonous credits much more dangerous. Are we not going together to the next economic collapse created by China and guaranteed by Britain?”
The director of The Ecologists, Oliver Tickell, has explained the dangers of Chinese atomic warming in the environment around the world. Before opening up to Britain and the world, China plans to build on its own territory... 400 new reactors!
The world’s nuclear power stations are very happy with the Beijing authorities: Forbes has titled “China Shows How to Build Nuclear Reactors Fast and Cheap”. China teaches us how to build nuclear power fast and cheap. By 2050, China will have a power of over 350 gigas-watios, totaling 400 reactors built during that period, with an investment of one trillion dollars.
How long will it take to see a disaster like Fukushima in China? Unfortunately, not too many. A major accident of between 3,000 and 4,000 years of operation of the reactors is estimated. Tickell says that Swiss perfectionism could extend times of risk, but that the Chinese have shown great indifference in security. For what to give examples...
What to run for and at what price? Because the workforce in China is cheaper, safer, but Tickell believes that “it can only be so cheap thanks to a huge reduction in safety.” When we thought that the closure of the nuclear power stations was spreading across Europe, the atom comes to us by the back door of Hinkley Point.
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Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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