The hierarchies of the Catholic Church have always been very diplomatic in their relations with governments and economic systems, especially if they are managed by the right. For many years they have rejected communism and the regimes that have put it in place, citing even the name in capitals; but they have never said the name of capitalism. Pope Francis, so courageous in some gestures, has not condemned capitalism, although he has talked about the consequences of capitalist practice.
Last week, Monti regretted the "labour exploitation" that exists in the Italian textile sector in the UK. In 2013, seven Chinese workers lost their lives after the industrial ship in which they worked in China was burned. There they lived, according to the Pope, “stacked in a small cardboard room.” He also said: “It was a tragedy caused by unbearable living conditions and exploitation. Life demands fighting corruption to the end.” Previously, in Lampedusa, Francisco spoke of “against the globalization of indifference” and in Sardinia of “against the crisis generated by the global economic system”.
Why does the Pope not condemn the capitalist system for its name? It seems that, like previous potatoes, it is linked to Catholic governments and companies in most cases. By denouncing capitalism by its name, it would take away legitimacy and open up the possibility of seeking alternatives. Are the deaths reported, the globalization of indifference, the crisis generated by the global economic system and corruption itself, not the structural consequence of capitalism? Not accepting that is supporting capitalism.
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