Alarm, alarm, alarm, alarm...
For the first time in the history of civilization, man is destroying the human species. The discovery of oil put us dollars in the eye, the splendor of the steel industry brought with it a big gas festival... We have systematically turned the possibilities into threats. Look, 200 years long enough to flush 200 million years of sound down the toilet. We are the most harmful and toxic species that has ever existed on earth. That is the root of all the problems. In any case, proclaiming a dignified society where people live quite well, where there is employment for all, where everyone can be cured and where children have the opportunity to offer a rich education, is revolutionary. As soon as you open your mouth, “we can’t do anything else”, “we’ve chosen the best option among the bad ones,” you are blamed for fatalities like “this is the time it has touched us.” The triumph of the system is the inclusion of the no alternative in our minds. On the contrary, if there are alternatives, what is missing is the will to put them in plant. At this march, however, the disappearance of the human species will come before the will of those who are filling and filling their pockets.
I see the will to conceal the rest of the crisis behind the smokescreen of the economic crisis.
I perceive two extreme wrong trends. On the one hand, the interest in extending the illusion that we are experiencing from the most confused crossing between different crises and on the other, the desire to cover the jungle of all the problems with the tree of the economic crisis. In fact, we must not forget that the media are loudspeakers. You go up the volume to highlight what you're interested in, and you go down to silence what you want to cover. Despite the fact that throughout the day the economic crisis seems to be going up and down, the truth is that this is a vision of the economic crisis. When are the cruelties of the banks mentioned? When does the financial system go naked? Have you read your intention to leave the system? We have allowed everything to continue as before after the brutal crisis of 2008. The only thing to see is that derivative financial tools and exchange operations have multiplied in the markets. That is not going to appear in the media, but that does not mean that it does not happen, that it does not happen, that it is not known. Freedom starts by paying bills, and the big media is at the mercy of more fortunes.
Have we moved from freedom invoices to freedom of invoices?
The economic crisis has been nothing more than a pretext for going a step further in the fall of social rights. Today, the neoliberalism embodied by Reagan and Thatcher is applied to us, and it was experienced and refined in the south of the world. The doctrine is invented and greased long before we are destroyed in the lizard. The spider web has been conceived, developed and woven in a very intelligent way. They have long understood that violence not only serves to achieve power permanently, that you have to get into people's brains, that you have to put ideas into your mind, throw creative opinions into the landscape ... They've done everything they want you to think about so you can believe that you think about yourself. Neoliberalism has spent fortunes making ideas. The fortunes obtained in the arms and chemical industry have been destined for foundations to generate ideas and spread them among the population in the form of pesticides. They pay when they have to pay, they reward when they have to do so, they have no hesitation in signing and tracing a leading researcher that is considered alternative and, above all, they have turned the world into an invincible playing field. And that is that the success of neoliberals is not about being the best of all, but about forcing them to play games in a field where they are the best.
What has the left done to deal with it?
Not very much. We didn't realize the threat until we saw the red reality on the portal, and what's worse, as we thought our ideas were much better, we didn't defend them. We have lived convinced that it was enough to be right, believing that people were betting on wheat with straw and wheat for their choice. If they do not defend freedom and plurality, people end up believing that the market can fix everything and that the best solution is that of the market. Imagine, when Thatcher, announcing austerity policies, screamed “There is no alternative!”, blocked all the behavior and thinking on the left with a four-word phrase. But behind that is the ingenious strategy, the money and the work, not the holy spirit.
Can social classes be enlarged with a four-word phrase?
The system has won the battle of social classes through the development of identity policy. It's all made for individuals to care about their personal identity and forget what we could build together. We are led to believe that homosexual marriage is only that of homosexuals, that the issue of immigrants is none other than that of immigrants, who have to abort the right to abortion... Identity policy has severely curbed progressive struggles. The strategy of the neoliberal system has been to divide and crack by identity the opportunity of another better world. So how aren't the classes going to change? At our grandmother's time, money was important, but much less than it has today. Supra-economic elements also permeated the social class. But today only money puts you in your place.
Can that change the explosion of suffering?
People have incredible patience, they're suffering much more than they should. For the revolt, however, we need meeting structures, spaces for empathy, and unfortunately, we lack effective meeting points to bring together the people who suffer. That's why some people think that the extreme right is the ointment that can relieve their pains. They don't realize that inequality increases their suffering. Because at the root of mental illness, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, obesity -- there are social inequalities. Suffering is not only material, it is marginalized and undervalued in society. The fact that the concept of social ladder is so internalized does enormous damage to our health. Not being able to get up, feeling miserable with those who are upstairs, being continuously dominated... It is torture! Ours is an exclusion system that collects the best and relegates the rest. That is the symbol of globalisation. So the chimera is to think that people's suffering can change policies.
Can votes change the world?
There's Tsipras, there's Obama, who once was a source of hope... I am not saying that voting is useless, it would be an invitation to the worst. The problem is that the votes are on sale. In the United States, for example, the rich can put all the money they want into candidate campaigns or propaganda equipment, and in addition to having weak meat, their pockets bleed their hearts. The usurpation of democracy begins with the purchase of votes. Thus, politicians are only to give a blessing to market decisions, while the doctrine that every market decision is a good decision is extended and consolidated. The dictatorship of the market is terrible. It recognises the right of the major operators of economic power to everything while they are economically powerful. For 30 years lobbies have grown without measure or control, 90% of those participating in committees of experts are people from large companies... No miracle, you collect the harvest of laws according to the ideology you sow. Who rules? For whom? What do companies need for if it's not to govern from the shadow?
Does TTIP reinforce that?
Transnational corporations have been preparing for the move for 20 years and have decided that the time has now come to take the leap forward. In this way, private courts are given priority, the intention is to invade the possibility of legislating and dissolving, opening legal proceedings against governments that take any measure that could harm the company’s profits. They had been without shame for some time and now they have lost the illusion. However, people are not stupid, they have understood what is at stake and they have risen up against TTIP. That's what businesses weren't expecting. They believed that this was a matter that would be thought of in the offices, would be agreed in the offices and would be closed in the offices, and that no one would notice anything. It's up to us to do what they did with the dracula, to bring the vampire out into the light, to see if he dies like this.
Does this show that the situation can turn?
Gradually and with great patience, the worst situation can be reversed. The road is for everyone to do what they know how to do as best they can, to realize that a similar search is being made in their field, that we are not as far away as they want us to believe. The day will come when all forces will join. The opinion of mass is not in vain equivalent to the avalanches. Over the years, the flakes are piled on top of each other, until a codend seemingly similar to everyone else causes a avalanche. The story of Mohamed Bouazizi shows that you never know when. He was a Tunisian vegetable vendor, completely unknown. After the persecution of Engard, the police took away the vegetables he had in his head. Not being able to carry out his family in these conditions, he went to the streets and made himself, starting the Arab Spring. I hope you don't need such dreadful facts to trigger the avalanche, but ...
Let the snow not cover us for the future.
Geopolitically, China will have more weight, the future power of the Middle East will be Iran, it will continue to brutally hit the regions where climate change currently affects, globalisation will leave more and more people on the sidelines, a militarised Europe full of walls will be built... That is the way out of the system to the refugee crisis. We all know that the exodus of refugees from these months is small compared to what we are going to know. That is why I say that climate change will radically separate the world from those who can and cannot save their ass. In addition, those who can save their ass will be condemned to continuously save their ass, not knowing how long they will be able to survive. If we don't immediately get to climate change by the horns, we have a party. In vain we will investigate the consequences if we do not eliminate the causes.
However, in the life of oneself there are steles that, although they bury snow, do not disappear.
I didn't create politicized, I wasn't educated on the political axes, when I was a teenager, I didn't listen to politics. I have been politicised by the war in Vietnam, the fact that my country is capable of committing such a massacre. Once I've become politically active, I've met admirable people, I've seen that it's a great treasure that gives meaning to what you are in life, and fortunately or unfortunately, I've always found the side fought. Today I know what is in my hand, I know that I am a craftsman of knowledge and knowledge, that my responsibility is to explain complex things in a simple way. Otherwise, I'm like everybody else, I have children, grandchildren ... I will be born in a good time, live in a good time and die without knowing the worst, doing what I could do to avoid the worst.
1934, Akron (Ohio, AEB)
Intelektual, idazle eta militante altermundialista. Sorbonan lizentziatua eta Pariseko goi-mailako Gizarte Zientzien eskolan doktoratua Gosearen estrategak izenburuko tesiarekin. Amsterdam Transnational Instituten sorreran partaide, Greenpeaceko administrazio kontseiluko kide ohi, Mundializazioaren Behatokiko lehendakari ohi, ATTACen sortzaile eta ohorezko presidentea da egun. 2012an, beste intelektual eta eragile sozio-politiko batzuekin batera, Roosevelt kolektiboa sortu zuen hondoratze ekonomikoa ekidin eta jendarte hobea sortzeko hamabost proposamen plazaratuz. Le Rapport Lugano, Un autre monde est possible si..., Leur crise, nos solutions eta Les usurpateurs dira bere liburu esanguratsuenak.
Bada egia handiak esateko boza altxa behar ez duen jende bat, energia transmititzeko neurriz kanpo mugitu behar ez duena. Horietarikoa da Susan George, dotorezia anglosaxoiaren eta heziketa frantsesaren arteko koktela. Elkarrizketa bukaturik, alta, siestatik esnatu berri den haurtxo batekin topo egin eta akabo heziketa frantsesa zein dotorezia anglosaxoia: mingaina ateratzea soilik falta izan zaio. Belarritik belarrirako irribarrez abiatu da hitzaldia ematera, haurtxo horrek mundu hobe bat ezagutu dezan.
Metamorfosia ekologiko eta soziala bultzatzen duten alternatiben erakusleiho bat Baionan. Euskal Herria "burujabe, solidario eta iraunkorraren" aldeko ekimena ospatu du Bizi mugimendu ekologistak asteburuan, Lapurdiko hiriburuan. Parte hartze kopuruak antolatzaileek... [+]
2013ko Alternatiba Egunetik hamar urtera, 10.000 pertsona bildu nahi ditu Bizi mugimendu ekologistak bi egunez Baionan. ‘Euskal Herria Burujabe’ topaketak antolatu ditu urriaren 7tik 8ra, lurralde iraunkor, solidario eta burujabe baten aldarrikatzeko.
Independent of Bizi. Many of the ideas of the project Recovering our living conditions are deeply criticized, but we are willing to interview with militants of the Bizi movement.
According to Elhuyar's translation, French means independent, sovereign, and sovereignty means... [+]
Bizi mugimenduak segitzen du klima aldaketaren deiadarra jotzen eta bi ekimen abiatu ditu aste honetan. Alde batetik, hautetsiendako formakuntza proposatu du, azaro arte luzatuko dena eta, eta bestaldetik 'Txirrindiraultza' prestatua du iganderako Donibane Lohitzunen.
Klima aldaketaren eraginaz eta erabakiak hartzen dituztenak presionatzeko mobilizazio ereduez, etxebizitzaren krisiaz, justizia sozialaz eta etorkizun jasangarri baterako alternatibez ikasteko eta eztabaidatzeko kanpalekua antolatu dute Alda eta Bizi! kolektiboek.