This book doesn't need a presentation. If there's a classic in children's literature, this is the famous novel that starts from the story that Lewis Carroll told on a walk along the Thames River. It has been just a century and a half since that walk in which the story he told that 150 year afternoon became a book and was published instead of the images of his author with the wonderful illustrations of John Tenniel; completing what Alicia says in the first paragraph of the book (What is a book for if it does not have images and interviews? ).
These adventures of Alicia have already been published in Euskera, just before the 1989 edition of Casa Pamiela and the actual translator. But now, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary, and although it is not very common among us, Manu López has decided to remake the translation and has made a translation adapted to the young and to the current Basque, and we can see this from the very title of the book: the previous Alicia is already Alizia. But it's a change that goes beyond names, it's a text that runs more easily, closer in language, less tied to the original structure, and that certainly helps reading. Transforming the Basque version, integrating elements of our tradition into this English tradition as the verses of the White Rabbit: “You are a charming, handsome and youthful, / my heart does not love it because you are. I don’t hesitate to marry you, but I don’t know how to swim, alas!” Or the curious version of Hator Hator: “Come, come; eat apples/sweet worms! (…) To celebrate our night / next to the owl and the mochuelo…”.
Alice's adventures, one of the first works in children's literature, are based on nonsense, nonsense, play, adventure and nonsense. Entertainment, text for the enjoyment of the reader (in the original of the listener). “– What do you know about this issue? “The king asked Alice. “Nothing,” Alice replied. "Nothing?" "The King replied. "None of that," Alice said. “That’s very important,” said the King (…) / – Your Majesty means insignificant (…).”
And the images also contribute to that enjoyment, even more so in this careful edition of the house Pamiela, publishing many of the original prints and illustrations in color.
There are many reasons to approach this new version of Alicia, which is a classic, a referent, a nice game… but, the real reason is in the book, because she continues to catch the reader, who will offer us a unique moment to enjoy.
Lewis Carroll
Ilustrazioak: John Tenniel
Itzulpena: Manu López Gaseni
Pamiela, 2015
141 orrialde
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