In general, this year has been a very fruitful year. Just like for those who work the earth, for those of us who are reading in this ARGIA magazine. It has borne a lot of fruit; it has also borne a lot of fruit. Among coconut apples, hazelnuts and others, there is no lack of nuts in our rooms. “Intxaur urte, elur urte”. “Intxaur urte, arto urte,” the year comes slowly, as it comes, also in corn. The herd of crows trampled sweetly on the threshold of the door of the pawn house.
There are nogales in front of the door of my house, which I live not far from the new LIGHT, as in the houses of many people. But it's not known as a good person, let alone a bad neighbor. “The nut, next to the bad house.” The walnut has an effective tactic to avoid plant competition that would diminish the food of the earth: in all its parts of green it secretes a special poisonous secular, and every time it rains or sprays it spills over the earth. Consequently, free walnut. It is also said that “sleeping under nuts is bad” and “the nut tree does not want friends”.
The zokot that picks up the nut grain is also green; from the expression to the expression, “if you eat the piglet, it dies.” The zócalo and the black stain that produces it have the name of “lepotarca”: drunkard, zócalo, zócalo, zócalo, collarín, sokote, zoquetas, mozkotz, moscocho, moscodon, moscardon, moscardon, moscardon, moscardon, chop, cord, corded, slightly chopped off.
Nut is a very important fruit, otherwise it would not be used for: “In the case many donkeys, but very few nuts,” “few nuts and many strangers,” or “more noises than nuts.” In the ikastola we learned this other variant: “Five nuts, fifteen noises.”
And the number has over fifteen names: nuts, pucheros, walnuts, nuts, nuts, nuts, rabbits, kidneys, greetings, poisoning, unsaur, enigmas, enigmas, spice, spice, spice, spice, spice, scales, hawthorn, hawthorn.
But “three or four enough nuts.”
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