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Tamiz: The statements by Leire Narbaiza on the radio Info7

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

“Although born to kill our sector, euthanasia will kill, or rather, they will let die peacefully, they are abandoning.
Yes, I will soon have to move to work, unable to fit into this long murder. What happens is that Euskal Herria is not Euskaldun, that our dream has not been fulfilled; but still, we are going to disappear. Little by little, without drawing attention, because almost nobody cares about the Euskaldunization of adults.

The rooms are being emptied for a thousand reasons. On the one hand, because it is very expensive, prices are scandalous to learn our language, which is also official. 8 hours a week from 400 euros throughout the course. Do not forget that learning Spanish is free at the CAV, with the help of the Department of Education of the Basque Government. The Basque does not. (...)

And the Euskaltegis are there, waiting for the imperious need in Euskal Herria to continue, while the agony of the sector is starting well, by strangeness, by laziness. I am pessimistic, but there are many guilds, because we are witnessing reality. ”

You are interested in the channel: Helduen euskalduntze alfabetatzea
Famili'on egonaldi ibiltaria aurkeztu dute lehendabizikoz Baionan

Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.

Learn Basque for free
Steps, still cramps
The right to free Basque learning is a historical claim. Today, the issue is red alive. The Institute for Adult Literacy and Reeuskaldunization (HABE) has taken two significant steps for young people who want to exceed level C1 and level A1. Thus, CAV students can study by... [+]

2024-09-19 |
Registration deadline for conversation projects opened
Under the slogan “What if we do it in Basque?”, the campaign of inscriptions of Mintzapraktika has already begun in different towns and cities of Basque Country. Therefore, throughout the course, the participants will have the opportunity to practice Euskera around the... [+]

Happy New Year

It is not Christmas, however, there will soon be decorations in the big shops to announce it, or at least they say so. In the shop window “Zorionak! Claims like “Gabon ederra passes!” will be exposed everywhere. However, congratulations can be many: the lottery, bringing a... [+]

Presoen Euskara Irakasleen Taldeak agur esan du

Badira sei-zazpi urte kartzelan dauden presoek euskara ikasteko duten eskubidea bermatzeko helburuarekin, lanean aritu den euskara-irakasleen sare bat: Presoen Euskara Irakasleen Taldea.

The most viewed Korrika ever
The issue of EiTB has had 1,700,000 visits, to which must be added those of Hamaika TB. The leaders of AEK have shown satisfaction: “We have achieved the most giant and ambitious Korrika of all time, so that the people are proud.”

Ane Elordi: "It was the Union's Korrika"
Ane Elordi has pointed out in the Basque Country that in 11 days he experiences many emotional experiences. “The emotional hangover, the work done for two years, the gratitude, the support, all Euskal Herria has met in Bayona… We have experienced very special moments on the... [+]

2024-03-11 | Leire Artola Arin
It will start on Thursday 23. Korrika in Irun and Esne Beltza and Bad Sound groups will enliven the day
The Korrika, which will travel 2,700 kilometers from Irun to Baiona, will begin at 16:00 the first kilometer of the AEK of Bidasoa, from Plaza San Juan. They've organized an all-day program. ARGIA will be monitoring during the 11 days that the popular initiative for the Basque... [+]

AEK claims the right of undocumented citizens to learn Basque
AEK attended the Oiasso de Irun Museum in collaboration with the Host Network.

Euskal Herria Cross Word Championship returns
Ten years later, they have reorganised the Euskal Herria Cross Word Championship in Irun, taking advantage of the fact that the Korrika will leave there. It will be held on 2 March and, despite the contagious competition, its main objective is to bring time lovers together in a... [+]

Campaign with Basque students
Expanding the family
We're 85 more. 85 names and surnames. 85 homes. From now on there are 85 journals that we will send free of charge to people who are learning Euskera in areas where Euskera is not official. 85 people from Iparralde, Nafarroa Erdia and Treviño took the opportunity – recalls the... [+]

Larrun waves
From the night school to the plaza, from the plaza to the solarium, from the solarium to the slopes, from the slopes to the hull, from the mountain helmet to the waves… we are extending the Basque Country”. Blog of AEK students of Azkain. This is the presentation of a new... [+]

2022-09-02 | ARGIA
AEK launches a registration campaign focused on the desire for citizenship
"Following the desire shown by thousands of people, we have highlighted the word EUSKARA in the graphic media of the campaign, putting the Basque country at the centre, within everyone's reach, so that the largest number of citizens turn to the Euskaltegis," AEK members explain in... [+]

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