You will notice it since you take it: next week you will receive a more compact light of size and the name of the magazine will reappear on the cover in capital letters from the following number. It is not only a change of appearance, we will also pay a small tribute to the heritage of this journal, since the name of this medium, pioneer in reaching the readers of Euskaldunes for almost a century, has appeared thus on the first page. Yes, without ambitions: we have chosen a simple and effective font for the new phase of the journal. The other home brand, the light bulb that forms the stroller in the last decades, there you will find it, a little smaller – the reduction in the ecological footprint is also the responsibility of the logos.
One of the most notable novelties is the initial part of the journal. We released the new Panorama section on November 15, a current section that will collect news, statements and weekly data. The speed that the world of information has taken makes us aware that it is becoming more and more difficult for anyone to follow correctly what is happening here and in the world. You can't read everything, you can't count everything, but unless the important thing doesn't go unnoticed: that's the challenge we've set ourselves. We will open the section with the photo of the week, reflecting a theme that is red alive. News, brief analyses, infograms, statements of net fishing… The pulse of the time we live, taken by the writing.
In this section dedicated to the present day, two of the essential articles that have so far closed the journal will come to Euskal Telebista. Political analysis of Xabier Letona from the Plaza del Castillo and the Net Gertu report, which tells the other world by Pello Zubiria. We have also brought to these pages the weekly vignette of Asisko Urmeneta, so that there is no lack of humor.
After trying to decipher what the whirlwind of this week has left, we offer you something to read with a little calm: With the People’s Department we want to gather the best of the interviews published so far in the Characters section and add something else: it is an author’s journalism, carried out in dialogue with people who have something to say, now with more spectacular photographs, and also with greater facilities to put at first glance the issues on which the protagonist will speak.
This is one of the most important options we have made from the point of view of design and we will use in the People section and in other articles, interviews and reports. By our way of working information in light, the canons of classical journalism lead us to a relatively rigid position. We look for cross-cutting lines, writing an article about culture doesn't mean that we don't write about politics as well; we conduct international analyses with a gender perspective. This will be best reflected in the thematic tags that we will hang on top of the pages.
This thematic classification is also a mirror of our new way of working. For better coordination between Paper Light and the web, we have created thematic working groups that will work together on both supports. And the center of the journal will be the articles that will play several transversal lines: a main report will allow us to delve into a topic every week and, behind that, other articles will work the lines that surround us.
There will be no shortage of the sections that we can already describe as classic on our pages. We wanted to reinforce the article that Jakoba Errekondo writes every week, with the section Lurrak irauliko da. In it you will find the articles by the author of the book Bizi Baratzea and other topics of interest related to plants. On the other hand, Nagore Irazustabarrena will continue to take gold out of the intricacies of history with his Time machine.
We have also reserved news for the latest pages of the magazine. To begin with, we will start publishing live performances, films and other cultural expressions, as a complement to the pages dedicated to the most common books and records. All of us who make up the light – subscribers, workers, readers, advertisers... – will have our own corner with the Community page which will be published weekly – where we will gather the news that is given in this communication project and the testimonies of all those who are inciting in our environment from a young age.
And for the end, two new delights -- well, one new one and the other, how to say, recycled. The special interview Argikontra puts an end to the serious contents of the Weekly, in which the interviewees, from work areas or very particular concerns, show us a new way of looking at the world. The last page shows our commitment to selective collection and reuse in the wording. You will already know that a few years ago some of the chapuceros believers with tie made a web TV show on the web of Argia. Well, although for lack of budget they will not be put in front of the camera again, we have left them the opportunity to make a satirical page in the new magazine: we wanted to tell them to look for another task, but it was too late.
Prozesu gisa planteatu genuen Argiari soineko berria josi behar hau. Zeregin horretaz arduratuko zen lan talde bat sortu genuen iaz, kurtso hasieran eta hilabeteetako lana izan da, profesional bikainei esker gauzatu ahal izan dena: Ametzagaiña taldean bazkide dugun Antzako kideak.
Kazetaritza alorreko premiak asetzeko forma egokienaren bila aritu gara, edukietatik abiatu den gogoetan. Zer argitaratzen dugun baita garrantzitsuena guretzat. Baina, jakina denez, edukiak huts-hutsean zaila dauka gaur egun irakurlearengana iristeko, hura milaka estimulu komunikatiboz inguratuta bizi baita. Ikusgarritasunean irabaziko zuen maketa behar genuen beraz. Berehala ohartu ginen ordea, lehen momentuan deigarrienak egiten diren aurkezpenak nekagarri suerta daitezkeela denborak aurrera egin ahala. Asteroko erronkari eusteko, maila berean behar genituen ikusgarritasuna eta iraunkortasuna.
Lortu dugulakoan gaude: datorren astetik aurrera jasoko duzun aldizkariaren itxurak indartsua izan nahi du irakurlearen begietan, baita dotorea ere; eta uste dugu denborak mesede egingo diola.
Aldaketaren lekuko izateko aukera ere eskaini nahi dizugu: etorri azaroaren 12an 18:30ean Lasarte-Oriako gure egoitzara eta eman zure iritzia Argiaren itxura-aldaketaz.
Olatz Salvador
Noiz: martxoaren 15ean.
Non: Deustuko jaietan.
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Pazienteek Donostiara joan behar dute arreta jasotzeko. Osasun Bidasoa plataforma herritarrak salatu du itxierak “are gehiago hondatuko” duela eskualdeko osasun publikoa.
EH Bilduk galdera sorta bat erregistratu zuen Eusko Legebiltzarrean Donostiako Metroaren igarobideko lanen gainkostua argitzeko. Informazio hori atzo jakinarazi zuen Susana Garcia Chueca Mugikortasun sailburu sozialistak.
Kirola eta oroimena uztartuko dituzte, bigarrenez, mendi-martxa baten bitartez. Ez da lehiakorra izanen, helburua beste bat delako. La Fuga izeneko mendi martxak 1938ko sarraskia gogorarazi nahi du. Ezkabako gotorlekuan hasi eta Urepelen amaituko da. Maiatzaren 17an eginen dute.
Martxoaren 19an amaitu zen proiektua aurkezteko epea, baina Errioxako PSOEk adierazi du Forestalia enpresak "interesa baztertu" duela. Enpresak bi parke eoliko eraiki nahi zituen Aragoiko lurretan, baina oraindik ez ditu lortu baimenak eta hori dute egitasmoa... [+]
Seaska Sarean inklusio egoeran dauden 165 ikasleei laguntza bermatzeko hasi dute kanpaina, antolaketa propioa eratuta. Frantziako Hezkuntza Ministerioaren jarrera salatu dute kanpaina aurkezteko prentsaurrekoan, behar bereziak dituzten haurren inklusiorako baliabide... [+]
Muga-zergak apirilaren 2tik aurrera ezarriko dira eta altzairuari eta aluminioari ezarritakoei batuko zaizkie. "Gurekin negozioa egiten duten eta gure aberastasuna eskuratzen duten herrialdeei ezarriko dizkiegu", AEBetako presidenteak adierazi duenez.
%90eko jarraipen "ia erabatekoa" izan du grebak, sindikatuen arabera. Gasteizko parkeak, lorategiak eta eraztun berdea mantentzen dituzte Enviser azpikontratako 90 langileek.
Aurten "Israel Premier Tech" txirrindularitza talde israeldarra ez da Lizarraldeko Miguel Indurain Sari Nagusia lasterketara etorriko. Berri ona da hori Palestinaren askapenaren alde gaudenontzat eta munstro sionistarekin harreman oro etetea nahi dugunontzat, izan... [+]
Ikerketa parte-hartzailea eta gogoetatsua bultzatzen du Biharamunen Lantegia kooperatibak, eta zientzia eta ikerketa herriarengana hurbiltzeko lan egiten du. Duela urte eta erditik egoitza Bidarten dauka, eta Institut Curie-rekin elkarlanean Iker Herria ikerketa zentroa sortzeko... [+]
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Intsumituek denbora luzez egindako borroka gogorra eta mingarria izan zen, baina irabazi zuten, eta garaipen hura behin betikoa izango zela uste genuen, atzera bueltarik gabea. Baina badirudi, politikari batzuen ahotik aterata, eskalada militaristari gorazarre egin eta berriz... [+]
Amenabar enpresak Bilboko Udalaren eskutik apirilaren 4rako agindu duten desalojoaren kontra azaldu dira bilkuran. Poliziak indarrez kanporatu ditu. Ostiral honetan18.30ean, Errekaldeko Plazatik hasiko den manifestaziora batzeko deia luzatu dute gazteek, baita desalojoaren... [+]
Europako Batzordeak aurkeztu duen plana ustezko gerra edo hondamendi baten aurrean “bizirauteko” kit batetik harago doa: hogeita hamar neurri proposatu ditu eskoletan, enpresetan eta herritarren artean militarismoa eta beldurra sustatuko dutenak.