Euskera accounts for 4.2% of GDP, 6.3% of jobs and 4.5% of Gross Added Value (GDP). This is the first time a study on the economic weight of the Basque world has been carried out. Nor does it exist in Europe.
The Vice-Ministry of Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government has been in charge of carrying out the study to measure the economic weight of the Basque world. For the VPL, the study makes it clear that Euskera is another sector of activity in the Basque economy. Looking at employment, 56,142 people work in the Basque sector. There are 42,724 direct jobs, of which 3,748 are indirect and 9,670 are induced.
It accounts for 4.2% of Spain's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and an average of EUR 2.8 billion. Concerning Value Added Tax (VAT), EUR 156,933 is collected for taxes and in subsidies the sector receives EUR 107,392. Thus, it shows a positive balance of 49,541 euros.El
study also collects the influence of other sectors on the Gross Domestic Product of the CAV, in order to establish comparisons with the Basque sector. The list is composed of: health (8.8%), tourism (5.8%), education (5.5%), Basque (4.2%) and R+D+i (2.1%).
HPS Vice-Advisor, Patxi Baztarrika, commented in the presentation of the study on prejudices about the economic value of minority languages and reflected on: “The Basque language, for example, is the fourth language used to surf the Internet, it is among the 33 languages used on Twitter, it is 34 on Wikipedia and there are more articles in Basque on Wikipedia than in 10 languages of the European Union. However, its economic value is questioned. We are faced with a distinction between effective languages of economic value and non-useful languages, which are pure cultural heritage. That is why, and this is something new in our environment, we have carried out a study on the economic impact of Euskera on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross Added Value and employment. The result of the study highlights the importance of Euskera in the economic fabric of our society and contributes to disintegrating the prejudice that questions – or denies – the efficacy and economic utility of Euskera”.
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