What we announced three weeks ago has not been achieved. Although the decline in ozone levels seemed to be normal, researchers have measured data that have not been seen for a long time. The chart below shows the data up to October 2:
As can be seen, until mid-September we can regard the evolution of the hole in the ozone layer as normal, but from then on its extension has spread astonishingly.
We can already ensure that this year will be one of the largest sizes of the hole since measurements are made. This brings upside to the optimism of recent years.
Can new factors explain ozone depletion? Greenhouse gases, pollutants, etc. Can they be responsible for the second phase of ozone depletion?
In 2018, the North Pole has not recorded any fusion records and Trump will have the excuse to go ahead with coal-burning power plants or vehicles operating on the basis of fossil fuels; or Bolsonaro buy land for intensive agriculture in the Amazon; or Macron to delay as far as... [+]
HFCen ordez beste substantzia kutsatzaile batzuk zabalduko ote diren kezka agertu du Greenpeacek, eta alternatiba naturalak sustatzeko eskatu du.
Measurements of Antarctica until mid-September reveal the ozone shortage in Antarctica at this time. Data appears to follow the same line as last year, i.e. they are neither very good nor very malos.La the main difference in recent years is
that the ozone shortage is occurring... [+]
Iraileko lehen astean, hainbat telebista katetako albistegietan, aurten ozono geruzak ia kalterik jasan ez duela esateaz gain, ozonoaren krisia amaitzear zegoela adierazi zuten.
In the last 30 years, it is at this time that ozone depletion occurs in Antarctica. The situation detected in the 1980s triggered all the alarms internationally and, interestingly, immediate action was taken.
From then until the end of August and until mid-October, special... [+]