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Nork begiratzen du bestaldera orain?

Arantza Quirogaren hitzak ez ziren oharkabean pasatu urriaren 2an Eusko Legebiltzarrean EH Bildurekin ere akordioetara heldu behar zela iragarri zuenean. Hizkuntza eta proposamen berriak zer ekarriko zuten ikusmin handia zabaldu zen eta Quirogak ez zuen huts egin: Askatasun eta Bizikidetza Lan Taldea sortzea Gasteizko Legebiltzarrean, behingoz ETArik gabeko egoerari benetan erantzungo liokeena, berbetan katramilatu barik, EH Bildurekin normaltasunez hitz egitea akordioetara iristeraino…

Euskal gizartea gatazkaz gero eta ahaztuago dagoela diote ETAren jarduera armatuaren amaiera eta normalizazio politikoa identifikatzen dutenek. Quiroga afera gisa ezagutuko den honek erabat gezurtatzen du normalizazio hori: bake prozesua eraikitzeko zirrikitu berri bat zabaltzeak lurrikara –gutxienez mediatikoa– txiki bat ekarri du euskal gizartera. Guztiz berria zen EAEko PPren eta Quirogaren doinua; zaharrak berri eta etsigarri Genovako erantzuna izan da, baina ezin engaina, ezustekorik ere ez du ekarri. Urriaren 6tik 7ra atzera egitera behartu zuen Quiroga.

Galdera airean da: sinesgarria da Genovak tutik ez zekiela EAEko PPko zuzendaritzak aurkeztu behar zuenaz? Ez. PPren gisako alderdi baten ibilbide historikoari begiratuta, ez da batere sinesgarria. Beste kontu bat da tartean zer gertatu den, batez ere Arabako PPk Quirogaren aurka hala jo dezan. Abenduaren 20ko Espainiako hauteskunde orokorren eragina hor da, PPren barruko desadostasunak ere begi bistakoak dira eta Arabako PPren mailukada ere bai. Azken finean, arabarrengatik ez balitz, PP ezer gutxi litzateke EAEn eta, oro har, Hego Euskal Herrian.

Quirogaren etorkizuna kolokan egon liteke EAEko PPko lehendakari gisa. Hala bada, nork ordezkatuko du? Gipuzkoar eta bizkaitarren aliantzak eraman zuen Quiroga lehendakaritzara, baina honek ordu arteko Iñaki Oyarzabal arabarra EAEko idazkari nagusi kargutik kendu zuenetik, Arabako PPk gertutik kontrolatzen du Quiroga. Espainiako osasun ministro Alfonso Alonso arabarrak eman dio kokotekoa oraingoan eta Maroto abizeneko beste arabar batek akaso bueltako norabidean hartu beharko du Madrildik Gasteizerantz, kaioaren norabidea Genovako haizearekin bat bideratzeko.

Edozein modutan, badirudi zerbait aldatzen ari dela PPren kobazuloan –sikiera barren-barrenean– eta jasotako aginte-kolpearen ondoren, Quirogak berak txiokatutako mezu batek biltzen du borondate hori: “Mozio honen espiritua helduko da. Modu egokian heldu ere, eta izango du bere unea. Ez da hau”.  

Miren Zabaleta, Sonia Jacinto eta Arkaitz Rodriguez kalean dira jada, sei urteko espetxe zigorra osorik bete ondoren, zer eta ETAren jarduera armatuaren amaiera bideratzen laguntzeagatik. Arnaldo Otegi eta Rafa Diez espetxean dira oraindik, datorren apirilera arte lehena eta 2017ko irailera arte bigarrena.

Dena da ETA sarean harrapatuak beste dozenaka lagun ere espetxeratuak izateko arriskuan dira datozen hilabeteetan. Urriaren 19an hasiko da Askapenako bost kideren aurkako epaiketa. Venezuela, Bolivia, Palestina edo Kurdistanera nazioarteko brigadak antolatzea ETAk agintzen ei zien, Europan zehar bidaiak egitea ere bai, berdin munduko foro sozialetara joatea...  Sei urteko espetxe eskaera Euskal Herrian, Frantzian edo Espainian beste hainbat taldek egiten duten berdintsua egiteagatik.

Azaroan, halaber, Batasuna, EHAK eta ANVko kide izateagatik 35 lagunen aurkako epaiketa egingo da Segurakoa moduan ezagutzen den auzian. Aipatu erakundetakoak zirenez, etakide ziren Auzitegi Nazionalaren arabera. Batasunako beste sei laguni hiru urteko espetxe zigorra jarri zien Auzitegi Nazionalak honen bikia den 35/02 sumarioan epaiatuak izan ondoren. Eta oraindik Estatuak bete gabe du auzi berean agindutako 100 Herriko Tabernen konfiskazioa. Gero etorriko dira, Ekin, Herrira edo presoen abokatuen aurkako epaiketen txanda, besteren artean.

Egungoa da Estatuaren legezko biolentzia hau, ez iraganekoa.  Edo ez ote daude zanpatuak Otegi eta Diezen eskubideak une honetan bertan? Ez ote dute ezer gehiago esateko euskal instituzioek? Edo esan behar da justizia lanean utzi behar dela eta jakingo dutela zer egiten duten? Nork begiratzen du bestaldera orain?

You are interested in the channel: PP
They denounce the Valencian President and call for his resignation
The CGT trade union has denounced the president of the Valencian Generalitat for not having taken the necessary measures to prevent the death of a member of the eta. Twenty social and trade union agents, for their part, have called in the capital a demonstration for next... [+]

Racist mobilizations of Egia and Gasteiz Mill in Donostia (and those coming): coincidences and questions
In recent weeks there have been racist mobilizations in the districts of Errota and Egia of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and both have announced their intention to maintain the weekly calls. There are differences and many similarities between them: that promoters are anonymous, that they... [+]

Restrictions, exclusion and business interests: deadly cocktail for a disaster in Valencia
It would be too naive to think that in Valencia there are empty weather factors behind the dead and the damage caused by the storm. Many have denounced the management of the emergency by the Generalitat and that the business thirst of the multinationals has prevailed. And we can... [+]

Concentration in Donostia against street solidary dinners with the participation of pp councillors
At the same time and in the same place where solidary dinners were distributed, a concentration was organized without permission. There have been moments of tension and the Ertzaintza has identified several KAS supporters, who have been mobilised by the Basque police.

In Usansolo residents complain about the decision to leave the center without a train station
Line L5 will modify the Euskotren route and will remove some of the affected stations, including Usansolo. The train journey shall be covered and other stations added. In 2022, the Basque Government modified the original project of this line, suppressing the Usansolo station,... [+]

Police spied 69 deputies from Podemos
El País has reported that the “patriotic police of the PP” spied on politicians of Podemos through the databases of the Ministry of the Interior, among them Pablo Iglesias, Yolanda Díaz, Ione Belarra or Irene Montero. The searches were carried out in 57 police stations of... [+]

PP eliminates the face-to-face teaching of Basque in Valencia during the Basque electoral campaign
The Department of Education of Valencia has reported cuts to the Official Language Schools in nine out of 16 languages, the Basque language being the worst left.

According to a secret report by the Ertzaintza, Aznar asked the Spanish Intelligence Service to link ETA to the 1M bombings.
The digital journal El Diario has published the report of the Ertzaintza. He says, “The National Intelligence Service mobilized its Vitorian workers for information that could link ETA to Al Qaeda.” According to the document, they were exploring an Italian website.

The PP rises to the Antéa which has illegally exploited the tourist weights: Adviser to the municipal group of Vitoria-Gasteiz
ARGIA published in April 2023 that Gustavo Antéa has exploited without authorization tourist weights in the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz and that he has carried out “clandestine” works in it. In the restructuring after the May elections, the significant member of the PP... [+]

2023-11-13 | ARGIA
Thousands of right and far-right meet in protests called by PP and Vox
The protests have been organized against Pedro Sánchez and the Amnesty Law to claim “equality of the Spaniards”. The most populous of Hego Euskal Herria has been in Pamplona: 6,000 have come together. In Bilbao a man is arrested and three others have been identified.

The PP of the Basque Country will hold a congress in November and Iturmale stops in office
After six years of delay, the Basque People's Party will hold a "democratic congress" before December. The candidates are Laura Garrido and Javier de Andrés.

The King of Spain chooses Feijóo as candidate for president in the investiture
The King of Spain, Felipe de Borbón, has conducted interviews to elect a candidate for the Spanish Government. Francina Armengar, president of the Bureau of the Spanish Congress, announced the election of King Feijóo.

After 36 years, Vox and PP decide that Catalan is not the preferred language in Palma de Mallorca
Catalan was the default language for municipal communications for 36 years, and the coalition between Vox and the Popular Party has withdrawn the law recently constituted by the city council. Officials have an obligation to communicate with citizens in Spanish.

2023-07-24 | ARGIA
Alberto Núnez Feijóo, PP
"The non-government of the PP would block"
"Seven years after the last victory, we have won the general election again," said PP vice-president Alberto Nunez Feijóo. "I'm proud of it. Thank you! ".

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