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The world by Empire: What WikiLeaks teaches us

  • The WikiLeaks Files has just been released: The World According to the Us Empire (WikiLeaks Archives: The world according to the United States Empire). In it, experts from different areas have analyzed the Cablegate data series, published by WikiLeaks in November 2010, the secret communications of the U.S. Foreign Ministry.
Boliviako Gobernuak zabaldutako argazkian, AEBen negozio arduraduna abuztuan Evo Moralesekin bilduta. AEBek ez daukate enbaxadorerik Bolivian 2008an Moralesek Philip Goldberg persona non grata izendatu zuenetik. Goldberg enbaxadoreak, antza, jarraitu zuen
Boliviako Gobernuak zabaldutako argazkian, AEBen negozio arduraduna abuztuan Evo Moralesekin bilduta. AEBek ez daukate enbaxadorerik Bolivian 2008an Moralesek Philip Goldberg persona non grata izendatu zuenetik. Goldberg enbaxadoreak, antza, jarraitu zuen bere aurretik David L. Greenleek egindako azpijokoekin. The Wikileaks Files liburuak eragin zalapartaren erdian, Hego Amerikako atala idatzi duten Dan Beetonek eta Alexander Mainek fite adierazi dute kableetan inon ez dela ageri AEBek planifikatu zutenik Evo Morales hiltzea. Egia, diplomatiko yankiek soilik diote hori gertatzen denerako prest egon behar dutela. Hitz egiteko manera bihurria. Liburuan luze-zabal aztertu dituzte Venezuelan Chaves eta Maduroren kontra, Ekuadorren Correa izorratzeko eta Hego Amerika osoan egindako lan zikinak, AEBetako diplomatikoek mezuetan aitortuak inork inoiz ikusiko ez zituelakoan.

"They are heroes of WikiLeaks," wrote Australian journalist John Pilger, in a tribute to Julian Assange, a prisoner at the London Embassy in Ecuador since 2012.

A journalist who, like any citizen, lives on the verge of drowning in excess of eye-catching news needs references to clearly distinguish manipulative propaganda and investigative journalism. When we know that John Pilger or Noam Chomsky endorse it, we understand that WikiLeaks is reliable and that's a lot these days.

Pilger writes in his article “The Revolutionary Act Of Telling The Truth”: “These dark times, when the propaganda of lying shakes our lives. They seem to have privatised political reality and legitimized deceit. The age of information is that of the main media. All through the media, politics, censorship, war, wages, free time… a surreal lot of clichés and lies.”

And later on: “George Orwell said: ‘In times of universal lie, telling the truth is a revolutionary action’. (…) True dissidents are exotic today, but never more necessary than today. The WikiLeaks Files is an antidote to fascism that hides its true identity. It’s a revolutionary book, precisely because WikiLeaks is revolutionary, as Orwell said.”

WikiLeaks, which aims to release secret information from governments to the public, made a special leap in 2010, opening up to the press, recalling the Watergate scandal that the U.S. Foreign Ministry has released. United States Richard Nixon was a long time removed from power.

Cablegat showed in the eyes of the world what the US leaders of other leaders of the planet, friends as enemies, are really thinking, whether dictator or elected by democracy. These included clandestine actions planned and carried out by the United States around the world, as well as violations of human rights.

Now the English publisher Verso has published The WikiLeaks Files: The book The World According to us Empire with analysis of 251,287 secret messages made by experts. The foreword has been written by Julian Assange himself.

In the words of the editorial, “the book is about how the United States is doing. United States intervenes in the agendas of other nations: it is a new type of imperialism based on tactics, from torture to military action, through commercial treaties and soft power, always with the will to increase the impact on the world. The book shows the links between the government and large corporations in the promotion of trade in the United States.”

Godfather wants to see Evo

A chapter in The WikiLeaks Files is written by Alexander Main and Dan Beethoven. Two researchers from the Centre of Economic and Policy Research have analyzed what emerges from the filtered papers on relations between U.S. governments.

Main and Beethoven summarize their section in The Jacobin magazine: “US diplomatic cables reveal a coordinated assault against Latin America’s left-wing governments”. In other words, the documents of US diplomacy show the coordinated attack on the leftist governments of Latin America.

They have compared it to what happened to the Greeks. When, in the referendum, the rescue imposed by the Troika was rejected, the European Central Bank blocked the Greek banks and, with this violent pressure, the European presidents dumped what the Greeks had democratically decided, subjecting them to the neoliberal agenda.

“During the previous fifteen years – say Main and Beethoon – a similar fight against neoliberalism has spread throughout America. Although Washington originally planned to stifle all dissent with even more violent tactics than those used in Greece, Latin America has largely managed to cope with the neoliberal agenda. It has been an epic battle, which is gradually coming to light thanks to the analysis of the diplomatic cables of the United States, broadcast by WikiLeaks.”

In the 1980s, neoliberalism seemed to have consolidated throughout Latin America. Before, the bloody coups had imposed violent dictatorships in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile... to crush the structures of the workers and make the economic formulas of Chicago boys prevail.

But between 1999 and 2008, leftist candidates won the elections in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Honduras, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Paraguay. Messages filtered by WikiLeaks show what the Yankees were doing day by day to destabilize them.

A palpable example is the attempt to capture Evo Morales in the brow. In December 2005, he won the presidential elections and on 3 January, before taking office, U.S. Ambassador David L. She went to see Greenle.

The meeting was summarized as follows: "The ambassador immediately went to the bottom of the matter. U.S. control of multilateral aid agreements to Bolivia, so the Morales Government had to be deprimido.Ser like a scene from The Godfather.”

And that is, the filtered ambassador's act says: “The ambassador has explained to him that United States aid is essential for Bolivia to obtain financial aid that needs to be acquired internationally, such as that of the International Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. ‘When you want the IDB, think you’re with the U.S.’ said the ambassador. ‘This is not a threat, it is simply a reality’, he said.

Still, Morales maintained his program. And because economic pressure was not enough, the United States began to conspire with local rulers in some regions. “If you detonate some gas pipes, the government will listen to you,” says the ambassador.

A 2008 summer communication says: “[EE.UU.] We have to be prepared even if there is a coup or attack on Morales.” Fortunately, it did not occur: Morales had fired the ambassador.

Last call from researchers: "There is still a lot to explore in the leaked cables about U.S. diplomacy. Unfortunately, with the excitement of the publication of the cables, few academics have approached them”.

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