Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Place where the sun is kept

  • The Rojava Kurdish refugee camp is in Kurdistan, dependent on Turkey, amidst a large dry plain around Suruç-Pirsus, 10 kilometres from the border with Syria. Its inhabitants are from the city of Kobanog in Kurdistan: When Daesh (Islamic State) attacked and captured the city in September 2014, they had to flee and arrived at a large plain of 8,000 naked Kurds, which would be the cradle of Rojava Camp.
Haur babesgabeak. Rojavar asko oso gazteak dira eta senideak galdu dituzte bidean. Argazkiko neskak bi anaia txikien ardura du. Kobanê Daeshen esku erori zenean ume asko gogor torturatu zituzten Islamera ez bihurtzeagatik; neska gazte asko bahitu eta eskl
Haur babesgabeak. Rojavar asko oso gazteak dira eta senideak galdu dituzte bidean. Argazkiko neskak bi anaia txikien ardura du. Kobanê Daeshen esku erori zenean ume asko gogor torturatu zituzten Islamera ez bihurtzeagatik; neska gazte asko bahitu eta esklabo dituzte orain.Irantzu Pastor
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Harsh living conditions. There is no support here from international organisations or from the Turkish Government. Temperatures are around 40 degrees from morning to summer, and until the sun goes down, it's hard to see someone beyond plastic shops. In one store, meetings are held, in another there is the school and in another there is a doctor who comes from time to time.

“We prefer to die fighting.” The defensive militias of the Kurdish people of Rojava recovered in early 2015 the destroyed city of Kobanog, becoming a symbol of Kurdish resistance and Islamic fascism. Even though Daesh has attacked more times, many have tried to return to the city. Currently, about 1,000 Kurds live in the Rojava camp and the vast majority of the camp are the relatives of those fighting in the militias. “Someone has to deal with ISIS, we are not going to leave our lands in the hands of these murderers, we prefer to die fighting, rather than live under their orders. We are very proud that our children take the guns and defend our people.”

Abdullah Öcalan In the image, symbols of women’s militias, photographs of guerrillas killed in combat and the poster of the ideological and political leader of the Kurdish movement Abdullah Öcalan, a prisoner of Turkey since 1999.

Dreaming the future. The young people in the camp have to decide how to face the future: crossing the border and taking the weapons, returning to Rojava for reconstruction, dreaming of Europe ...

Refuge of the Sun. In Kurdish “roj” is the sun and the day. The word rojava means the place where the sun ends or the end of the day. Thus, Western Kurdistan is known as Rojava (Kurdistan located within the borders of Syria). Refugees in the camp watch the sun being hidden behind the Kobanog.

Free Kurdistan as an objective. “It’s hard to imagine the future, but we want to return to our lands as soon as possible and we will fight for it, so we are Kurds.” The attacks of ISIS and the fear of the people have shattered the Kobanog and left a dark area. However, the refugees in the camp are clear: they want to pull the border between Turkey and Syria that should not exist and live in a plural and free Kurdistan.

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