Ile-apaintzaile eta artista ugari dago lorazainen artean. Landareak espaloi lehorretako zulo-ziega-kartzeletan sartu eta nola-hala bizitzera kondenatzea nahikoa ez eta berezko forma naturala ere ezin eraman. Kaleko aldameneko etxekoak, sofan edo besaulkian zangoak zabal-zabal dela, leihoko bista kentzen diola deituko zuen udaltzaingora eta di-da hor etorriko ziren zuhaitzaren poza antzutzera. Eta deiak errepika ez daitezen ohiko ile-apaintzaile lanen “premia” duten zuhaitzen zerrendan hauek ere sartu eta kito! Urteroko lana.
In North America lies a sits that shows in its green slopes white, wavy stripes. The scientific name is Synchlora aerata and is called wavy emerald sits or camouflaged sits. The emerald color of its wings is the most characteristic of the moth. But before the snow expands... [+]
There is less and less grief in the street. Dolda is a vibration produced by alcohol. You don't see them in the street. The gros is the stain that remains on the lips of the drinker of red wine. Not because we drink less black or alcohol, no; we peel the beak, we are being... [+]
A friend has asked me what a junk is. While he was reading about plants, he stumbled upon the jungle. I responded that it was a thin herb, a round tap, down to my knees. The Wikipedia in Basque reads as follows: “The junks are herbaceous vines (genus Juncus) that grow in wet... [+]