2 March 1932. Ander Arzelus and Joseba Zubimendi performed the first Basque radio program at the Unión Radio de Donostia-San Sebastián radio station. The father took his daughter and the eight-year-old girl started commenting monologues, plays and speeches written by her father. He committed to Euskera throughout his life.
Besides a radio announcer, he has also participated in the theater with the theater group Poxpolina. He was a member of the Euskaraz association, and at the time of Elvira Zipitria he worked as a teacher in San Sebastian. He also dedicated himself to teaching Euskera to adults, helped by the method of teaching Euskera created by his father.
Egitarau mardula prestatu dute Bergarako irrati libreko kideek: musika, literatura eta tailerrak. Besteren artean, martxoaren 29an Txapa Eguna egingo dute.