How to collect and store the seed? The question I had heard so many times. The jobs they provide us are after seed collection.
With the arrival of autumn and far from sight the spring of the new season, it is the age of seeds. During the time of the seed, the hook has been kept in force to give a new plant. The natural thing is that when the plant has brought the seed to maturity in the fruit, it is sown at that moment. That's what's constantly happening in nature. Grasp the fruit, flip and give the soil to the seed.
Since our landscape is far from natural, that is, that everything is cultural, that we sow and do what is needed, let us break that natural path of the seed.
This cut will cause changes in the seed. At first we will try to keep the seed still, without moving it, without germinating it. It is likely that you will have to endure a few years. To do so, we must take advantage of the conditions that hinder the development of the seed. What does the seed need to germinate and retain yours and create the plant? Light, temperate temperature and water. Well, our job is to eliminate them.
We must remove moisture as far as possible. Dry well. Put it in a container or in a pouch and if we fear moisture, pick it up from the powder of the coals or the chalk. This powder will absorb the smallest trace of water.
The temperature also has something to say. You have to keep the seed cold. The seed should think it's in winter, which is not the germination season. Hence the cold.
It is not in your interest to see the light. Darkness also joins the winter, and it is important to hold on to that hook.
When it comes to germinating, all this has to turn, the seed must feel that it has passed from winter to spring: from cold to heat, from darkness to light and from land to wet. That's the garfio: after feeling the winter, the spring is heard and noted.
Last year, in the Aldude area in the Baigorri Valley, citizenship met for six months to reflect on the concept of work: what is the work symbolism, the role of work in our lives or in the local economy, etc. One thing surprised me in the conversations. When the issue of... [+]