Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"From the elections comes the order to make a real referendum"

  • Prior to the public position of both, we have asked for the opinion of Arturo Puente El and Catalunya, journalist of the plural publications, on the results of the Catalan elections.
Arturo Puente kazetariaren ustez Espainiako hauteskundeetatik nekez atera liteke Kataluniako egoera hobe dezakeen ezer.
Arturo Puente kazetariaren ustez Espainiako hauteskundeetatik nekez atera liteke Kataluniako egoera hobe dezakeen ezer.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What would be the first assessment of the election results?

Independence, with 47 per cent of the votes, has achieved a simple majority, but not an absolute majority. And it has clearly overcome any of the multiple national options on the table: to continue as autonomy, to make a federal state, etc. Of all existing national conceptions, independence is the one with the majority. In addition, it is maintained over time, at least since 2010, and has shown that when given the right electoral routes, it can be around 50% of the votes.

What legitimacy does that majority give?

In my opinion, the legitimacy to make a real referendum. We cannot know what you would vote for, in a referendum with two options, the people who voted for a party that says that these elections are not plebiscite. We have no ideas. What we know for sure is that 1.8 million Catalans are in favour of independence. It is a democratic mandate that has emerged from the Sunday elections: to break with Spanish legality, to hold a referendum in accordance with Catalan law. With two options, yes or no. And to do it quickly, because people have been asking for it for three years.

We shall therefore forget Spain’s plan for disconnection in 18 months.

The Cup will not resort to it. Even if he abstained, But I would not be president. It gives the impression that Mas is not going to be president. In this sense, it has been the failure of the winner. The triumph of independence, but the personal defeat of Mas.

The Cup will hold the key to the parliamentary majority of the Cup in Catalonia. Is that an acceleration of the process?

They are going to demand that things be done quickly, measures that do not turn back. The issues that the Cup can put on the table, also at the social level, in relation to a plan to rescue citizens will be very important. So far, in the last three years, CIU and ERC have been the majority and the policies they have carried out, you can put all the sites you want, that there was less money, and that is true, but they are anti-social policies, cutting policies. The Cup wants to end all of this. Therefore, an acceleration will be given and on both roads.

What can be taken from the general elections in Spain after knowing the results in Catalonia?

The main demands of Catalan society are far from the demands of Spanish society. Interests have become more and more separate. So I do not think that from the general elections there is anything realistic that can improve the situation in Catalonia. The Catalans have shown that they want to follow their own path. Can a government emerge which, very vaguely, can act as a stimulus to a speedy and agreed referendum, which brings down some points to independence? I don't see it. At state level there does not seem to be a different solution.

Can you have an echo of what happens from now on in Catalonia in the Basque Country?

If Catalonia opens its own almost safe path, in Euskal Herria things are complicated for the PNV, to continue in today's comfortable situation, foral adjustment, etc. It could open a path, a map of reconstitution, between different independent states, a kind of confederation. But it's a very distant scenario, a lot of things would have to happen in front of us. The triumph of independence, however, calls on the other national players.

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