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Source available on demand?

  • Most of the content on the Network is on platforms managed by large private companies. Under your condition. There are other alternatives, such as the à la carte platform of EITB. We've talked to its creator, Iñako Gurrutxaga, about the need for public digital warehouses. It also tells us about the issue that is still taboo: the reuse of content.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We've gotten used to looking for and finding something on the net. Series, songs, images… We have also become accustomed to spreading content created by ourselves. It has become a source that seems endless. But most of the platforms that collect these content (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram…) are in the hands of private companies. So there will also be audiovisuals, photos, etc. They can censure them, sell them or hide them. Are we the general user aware of this? Do we play for that?

The network is not a free space.

The sociologist Koldo Bizkarguenaga, who analyzed the attitude of the young Basques on Facebook, believes that no, that we know nothing about the property and condition of the contents we share. “Otherwise I’m sure that some Basque users would not help with our photos and personal information that a company like Facebook would bring economic benefits.”

Along the same lines, he points out that the consolidation of the Internet was a general fascination that is still being maintained. “The possibility of doing, saying or being anything has been extended, but the network is not a free space. That must be underlined.” Bizkarguenaga recalls that the control of both private companies and states is remarkable.

In this non-free space and among giant companies, there are also companies that work to collect and classify non-profit content. Like the Sound Map project launched in 2005 by the Arteleku Audiolab department. Directed by Xabier Erkizia, they show, consult and exchange sound recordings from all over the Basque Country Each one can enrich the map with their contributions, and all contents are licensed under the Creative Commons license.

Online file as a public service

In the audiovisual field, the main repository in Euskera is the Nahieran platform, which collects the contents of EITB. It was launched in 2011, with the possibility of seeing its productions at any time. But it is not just an on-line television, from the beginning it has had the vocation to make available to everyone a work of 33 years.

This is stated by Iñako Gurrutxaga, who led the creation of the platform. “I am particularly interested in the Nahieran public service, not in terms of consumption. This institution is maintained by society and the fruits are for society, and for this purpose they must be available”. In this sense, it has considered that it would be desirable to have a file that would include contents in Basque and Basque culture outside of EiTB. The BBC refers to the Digital Public Space initiative launched a few years ago.

“The proposal was to create a general repository of contents from public and semi-public institutions, documenting everything and making it visible.” However, it does not believe that the leadership of this project should be put in the hands of EITB, as this would be a bad suspicion. “Public institutions should intervene in this and encourage collaboration. But the first step is to realize the need for a platform like this; awareness.” It does not rule out a more horizontal structure that approaches the Wikipedia model, but it is clear that the involvement of the organizations and associations that have the majority of contents is essential.

See yes, download no

Gurrutxaga explained that the Nahieran project had a very warm welcome from the outset, but he believes that they have not lived up to the expectations created. He has commented on many occasions that content could have been downloaded, but to this day there is no possibility of doing so. “There is always a right to property, to music, to script… We have not been able to overcome these legal obstacles.”

It hopes, however, that in the medium term, content that can be used in the field of education will be allowed to be downloaded. “This step will take place sooner or later, even if we have to take the risk of legal consequences.” However, it recognizes that it is hard work: “In EiTB, the audience data is bad and it’s hard to accept proposals with other objectives.”

Reuse: that terrible word

If it is difficult and unusual for content produced with public money to be downloaded, it is more difficult for it to be reused as desired. “In EITB, and in the sector in general, simply mentioning this possibility aggravates people.” Gurrutxaga believes that this is something that belongs to the way culture is understood, and that many paths will have to be followed to seduce people who are scared by them. “Something that has been done with public money and has already spread, why isn’t it going to be useful to create something else?”

He says that the origin of that fear is the desire to control the content, but today he believes that desire is absurd. “After all, reuse is a great way to disseminate your content. It's a sign that the content you've created is still alive. It should be a pride.”

There is no shortage in the history of cinema of audiovisual works created from the use and reorganization of images obtained from other sources. But without going too far, the Galician artist María Sonora has proven the creative value that the EITB file can have with her work ElectroClass, published in 2011. The space analyzes the influence of television on the evolution of the city and the working class of Bilbao, collecting images of 30 years. Gurrutxaga explained that the result of this work, yes, but that the process itself was not exemplary, as she had to present a project with a producer and request a permission. “I wouldn’t ask anyone who wants to use public content for that. Anyone should have the opportunity to do so.”

Gurrutxaga acknowledges that Nahia is not yet what he wanted, but he is optimistic if he faces the future. A dedicated platform is being developed that will facilitate management and will stop using the Brightcove House service. “Today we have a limited capacity and we cannot upload the whole file. With the new platform, everything will be on our servers and it will be easier to offer them the possibility of downloading.”

That of reuse, on the other hand, says that it is part of a broader debate, and you will surely have to wait longer.

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