Aritzen nintzen garaian
administrari lanetan
txin-txin hotsa zen nagusi
nire galtza barrenetan.
Orain denbora orrazten
tematzen naiz gehienetan:
Erreka erreka al da
urik ez dakarrenetan?
Igandeak zer egiten
ote du astelehenetan?
ta antzeko esaldiak
idazten ditut trenetan...
Denok ez dugu koadratzen
mundu borobil honetan.
Murrizketa izeneko
trumoien eta tximisten
denboraleari zeinek
ez dio grifoa ixten?
Maiz pentsatzen dut “laguntzak
eman beharko ditizten”,
baina itxaropenari
ez zaio izarrik pizten.
BEZ-a ta zergak ez dira
soldaten neurrian jaisten,
hilabete bukaerei
luzexko diet irizten,
otsailean ere ez da
nahi ordurako iristen.
Zertara datoz hainbeste
itxura eta antzezte?
Zertara “gorantza goaz
ta lasai egon zaitezte”?
Gosea egarri bada,
euria eguzki eske,
heriotza jolasean
zilbor-hestez zilbor-heste...
Lepo gehiegik egiten
du bere buruaz beste,
bizirauteko sufritu
behar denean hainbeste,
perfektuak adizkiak
bakarrik izan daitezke.
Negua udazkenetik
ezin dugunez aldendu,
askoren egutegiak
ditu hamabi abendu;
zoriona biluzteko
sentimenduz sentimendu,
denbora gure nahieran
erabili ahal bagendu!
Joan denari burlaize,
datorrenari lausengu,
nahiz eta bihar-etziko
izpien miran gauden gu,
geroaren etorrera
orainak atzeratzen du.
Hipotekak ainguratu
gintuen hondo-hondoan,
zorra kitatu ezinik
gabiltza urte mordoan;
bankuak ultimatum-a
eman zigunez lehengoan,
senarra, ni eta gure
seme-alabak gogoan
Stop Desahucios-ekoak
izan ditugu ondoan,
hilabeteko arnasa
lortu dugu oraingoan,
baina ez dakit hurrengorik
izango den hurrengoan.
Gaztetan iraultzailea
nintzen eta ze arraio!
Bidea dela borroka
idatzi nuen soraio;
krisiak iltzatutako
gurutzearen karraio,
gaur horma arraildu hari
begira egon natzaio.
Bezperan hilda ezin da
biharamunean jaio,
helmugetara heltzeko
egin arren hainbat saio,
biderik ez duenari
borroka gelditzen zaio.
Erasoak eraso ta
ofentsibak ofentsiba,
kalea da irabazi
beharreko lehen partida;
horregatik hurbildu naiz
gaur ere plaza erdira,
gorbatadunak aurrean,
kazetariak begira...
eskuak amorruari
eman nahi dio kabida,
urtetan pilatutako
mina gorpuzten ari da,
harriak ez du begirik,
begiak harritzen dira.
Hegoak iparrik gabe,
hegorik gabe iparra,
iragan urrun batean
izoztu zait irrifarra.
Gero ta lausoagoa
denez ostertzeko marra,
onena oheratzea
izango dut ttirri-ttarra.
Betozkit izar-uxoak,
betorkit ilunabarra!
Loa da ameslarion
euskarri sendo bakarra:
dena argi ikusteko
begiak itxi beharra.
Doinua: ETAren su-etenetik
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak iritzia@argia.eus helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
In 2011, the powerful 15-M movement broke out, which put the Catalan Govern in a hurry. Among other things, on that occasion the Police ran into the indignant camp of the Plaza Cataluña de Barcelona and besieged the Parlament on the day that the activists had to approve the... [+]
On the Internet comes the title of a movie that I still saw when I was growing up looking for the word Willow. In this fantasy film, the protagonist, a small man named Willow, transformed the world by liberating its inhabitants from an oppressive kingdom. Google just launched a... [+]
Irene Coulon’s talk about sleeping beauty and the image of incineration has been the main theme of this year’s Feministaldia. He has torn apart the cultural ideas of sleep, making it clear that we also have masculinized sleep. Many of the (cultural) lessons of sleep are... [+]
Araia told me to write to you. He told me that before I leave them (I will do this this year), they want to take you a text of mine, which I have never taken you, and that you deserve, that you will be proud of me. Such an opportunity cannot be missed. I don't know what I can... [+]
I have recently had the opportunity to see the latest work by Pierre Carles, a committed documentary author. Under the name of Guérilla des FARC, l'avenir a une histoire (FARC guerrilla, the future has history), proposes a renewed account of the armed conflict that has lasted... [+]
The poor management of the Valencian cold drop has led to a change in adverse meteorological alerts, as shown in the first season of "winter". Faced with the threat of rivers overflowing in Hego Euskal Herria, the indications for protection came along several paths, since no... [+]
Entrepreneurship is fashionable. The concept has gained strength and has spread far beyond economic vocabulary. Just do it: do it no more. But let us not forget: the slogan comes from the propaganda world. Is the disguise of the word being active buyers? Today's entrepreneurs are... [+]
We're in chaos. That has been said to us by the French media, which Parliament has brought down the government on 4 December. The fear that political, institutional, social, economic chaos will rage us all in the horde of hell comes to our veins. What comedy we're going to play... [+]
Surely, most of us have already bought, here and there, the gifts for Christmas. Because the night visit to Olentzero is a great quote, especially for the youngest. Everyone is preparing for this fruitful era of the year: Bilbao burns as much as Vitoria, Pamplona and Baiona,... [+]
What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
See that the streets of Bilbao are full of tourists and dogs with two legs, for example? Or the changes in the political situation? The first one has tired me and annoyed me... [+]
The issue of aid for Basque learning is really confusing. The citizen who wants to learn Basque must go to more than one window to know how much the course he wants to take and where, how and when he will get the grants. Because it still costs money to study, nothing is free... [+]
The understanding and interpretation of the mathematical language is what is important in the learning process, at least it is what we say to our students. The language of mathematics is universal, and in general, the margin of error for interpretation tends to be small. We... [+]