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Welders know how to make another feasibility plan

Ekonomia sozialean oinarrituriko enpresa proiektuaren bideragarritasun plana egiten “izugarri ikasi” dute langileek, azkenean konkurtso-administrariak Koxka zuzendari-ohi talde baten esku utzi badu ere. Irudian, lantegia itxi zuten egunean.
Ekonomia sozialean oinarrituriko enpresa proiektuaren bideragarritasun plana egiten “izugarri ikasi” dute langileek, azkenean konkurtso-administrariak Koxka zuzendari-ohi talde baten esku utzi badu ere. Irudian, lantegia itxi zuten
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Following a competition from creditors in which the company Koxka has participated in the last year in the struggle between two projects, we have found Ramón Salinas Garrido among his roles. He is a former Koxka worker and one of the few people who have prepared the project to give way to his company. Salinas has spent the last few months among the leaves he has in his hands, along with other colleagues, developing the company's viability plan and the company model. The focus on a working society is on putting workers at the forefront and taking the work cooperative as a model.

In 2014, the plant collapsed and more than 200 people remained on the street, according to data provided by Eustat. Faced with the fear that he would go to creditor competition and stay for scrap if no one caught him, the workers saw the possibility of recovering the Koxka. Years of fluctuation have passed: Since their entry into the ERE in 2009 until their last match in 2014, they have had to see the layoffs, that the rest of the workers have been made available to the AYAC group, called the Putre Company Fund, and how it accumulated the debt on the debt. The AYAC management left after filling the pockets with the benefits of the Koxka and leaving a hole in the Social Security of EUR 7 million. This debt has hampered the competition of creditors, as the law that entered into force in September 2014 states that the debt must be received by the next creditor. This economic floor was rejected by several interested companies and the workers presented their proposal.

Protection of 108 members

Dancing between papers and reports, Salinas brings us the first draft they presented to the administrator. With the accession of 108 members, each of them showed that they were prepared to put EUR 25,000 per head, which depended on unemployment calculations, and to relaunch Koxka with that money. “From that first draft we have learned a lot,” Salinas laughs in the face of the report, “our goal was somehow to present a project, but we are not entrepreneurs and from one day to the next to draw up a factory feasibility plan is not easy.”

However, they have had former managers on par with another business project, and although the workers have been willing to speak, they have always received a negative response.

Workers presented a business project to create an SAL based on the values of the social economy. They say that the whole process of drafting the project has been carried out with total satisfaction and transparency on the part of their partners, and they consider that this is the way forward. But not only have they remained in the words written in the project, but from the beginning the values of that supposed company built from scratch have been put into practice, according to Salinas.

The group of workers offered a quantity that would be used for the scrap of the purchase, claiming that the real value of the ships was the same, while the money that each worker had to provide from his pocket would be to start the company. Some of the clients had already received approval and support from a number of suppliers and were willing to resume contact with them.
However, the administrator did not feel that enough money had been offered and the company had been handed over to a group of former managers who had offered a higher figure. I guess he'll be in the money.



Non dago: Iruñea (Landaben poligonoa).
Zer egiten du: Saltoki handietarako hozkailuak.
Egoera: Hartzekodunen lehiaketan 2014tik.

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