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The creative revolution on the small screen

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Among the series there is a small group aside, beyond discussing whether they are good or bad, which has had a special influence on the history of the series. They left their mark and became classics from the moment they were released. In a way, it can be said that these are productions that have given rise to a creative revolution.

1990: The year of the Twin Peaks premiere. This series of David Lynch facilitated and paved the way for other productions to create more complex and risky plots. Laura Palmer’s murder was the least, there were unknown flying objects, gender violence, rape, corruption… That bravery of Twin Peaks owes him a lot, for example, the wonderful X files that premiered three years later. And not just the plot or the argument: it was also visually a revolutionary series. Some scenes lasted until they became uncomfortable and aesthetic concepts flourished that had not been seen in a television series at that time.

Nine years later, in 1999, the giant The Soprano’s began to take off. David Chase and HBO, with this story, gave a slap blow to people who despised television. All the negative prejudices about this kind of fiction crumbled, and the series began to see differently. On television, anti-heroes were born, today so normalized. This new point of view is due to a particular paragraph: while teaching his daughter the different universities, Tony drowns a guy with his own hands. "We'll lose the audience! they told Chase. The series has become a reference thanks to the fact that months later it won the Emmy at the best script, and above all, to the fact that it left an indelible mark.

From there, we have to make the leap to the year 2002, to mention The Wire, the best series in history for many. A mosaic of special characters, at a slow pace but with its own and wonderful style. The writer David Simon showed that we do not have to make productions that everyone likes, thus creating the label of the cult series.

After two years of drought, Lost came in 2004. It changed many things in the world of series, the concept of them and, above all, the way of consuming. It was our first addiction, and it became the first story of mass consumption over the Internet. We turned to hundreds of forums and webpages that emerged to meet that unbearable weekly yearning. For many it became a SERIES.

Another essential giant production in 2008: Breaking bad. The masterpiece has become an icon of pop culture in recent years. A unique story built with unforgettable characters. The motivation of the writers of the last decade to create characters built with dark motivations and behaviors, makes Vince Gilligan the merit of being the most in love with everyone. He created the character of Walter White (Brian Cranston), who has won the icon category with all merits.

2012: Game of thrones. A production that doesn't need too many presentations. In this case, it has shown that a story aimed at the general public can be of quality. In addition, he has managed to enter the Guinness Book by becoming the drama series that has obtained the most simultaneous emissions worldwide: 173 cities at a time.

I would like the last stop to be made in 2015, but is it possible? Probably yes, that card was for Mr Kurtz. It can be a series called a robot. Thanks to a sharp script that addresses many current issues, he has taught us an excellent and different psychological thriller, but also an aesthetics and film language little seen on a television series. The innovative taste that has left us at the end of the first season has shown us that it can become a new member of this exclusive team. We'll see.


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