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Building dialogue

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

“The failure to comply with the GERNIKA Statute has been and is the great failure of the democratic system not to end its commitment to Basque society and to democratic nationalism; and the Basque conflict, political in nature and long before ETA, remains unresolved.” This is a phrase taken from the memory book that former lehendakari José Antonio Ardanza published in 2011. Let us therefore say that these are well-thought out words. End the paragraph as follows: “Excellence in national participation in Basque society – Basque/Basque/Spanish – is what lies at the heart of a political conflict. Perhaps it is possible to recover the formula of the Associated Free State recommended to us by the European experts in 1986.”

There will be various forms of relationship that can respond to that kindness and on which much will be said in the coming months. In response to requests from the self-government conference, the Basque Government has already sent a number of reports to the Basque Parliament last week. Spokesman Josu Erkoreka explained that the Basque Government would double its budget – from 10,000 to 20,000 million – if Madrid had the 24 competences to be transferred in its hands. The end of the legislature comes to the Basque Parliament and the end of the work of the self-government report. Just a small sample of what's going to come, that's really significant in this case.

The PNV wants to turn the economic concert in the Gernika Statute into a political concert so that the relationship between Madrid and Vitoria-Gasteiz is based on the bilateralidad.Todav it is not clear how the right to decide in this context will remain, but it is very likely that it will remain as it is now: that is to say, the Basque Parliament has approved the right to self-determination, but it does not decide at some time.

However, the RIGHT TO DECIDE is no longer just the instrument to decide on our national identity, as represented in the Ibarretxe Plan. It has evolved as a political concept, and citizens want to decide on their daily lives, and not just every four years. The transfer of powers since the beginning of the 2008 crisis has come to stay. Basque citizens want to decide on the LOMCE, on the direction of social security, on the funds they want to invest in health and education… More and more in some areas is being asked to decide on a daily basis.

This becomes a variable to keep in mind. This perspective is also important to understand the political change that has occurred in Navarre, or in Valencia and Galicia. Nationalism has an important framework there, because the development of the right to decide in the many usual areas of life also opens the door to deciding in a key nation for it.

In short, this was the basis of the proposed alliance of left-wing forces that was published before the summer in the CAV for the general elections. The leadership of Podemos did not see it with good eyes - only decided by the assembly or by the leadership? - and the initiative has not come forward. In Navarre, people from the world of culture and politics have just made a similar proposal, but their request has not resulted from the parties.

However, a citizens' assembly has proposed to the parties a joint candidature of left-wing forces and the proposal is still in the air. Following the proposal, among others, are the representatives of EH Bildu, Podemos, Batzarre and Ezker Batua. Surely the beginning of the autumn will devour the effort, but the programme shows the direction that is in the head of many citizens and the potential that the effort has.

The various groups of victims who have drawn up the ERAIKIZ document have put on the table many interesting ideas, but one main one, and above all aimed at politicians: to start moving, if we have been able to reach some basic agreements, you too. The ethical ground, violence, human rights and the political problem of Ardanza. All this and much more in this deep portfolio of debate that Basque society has to face. The meeting capacity of the Basques throughout history is sufficiently demonstrated; there are sufficient conditions for in-depth dialogue. There is no excuse.

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