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Was the rowing slave labor in ancient Rome?

"Ben-Hur" filmak adierazitakoaren aurka, ontzi erromatarretako arraunlari gehienak ez ziren esklaboak.MGM
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In the 15th century a. By the year 40, Octavius, who would later be Emperor Caesar Augustus, had as main enemy Sixth Pompeii, and to dominate him at sea he needed faster boats; besides the usual crews, he had to take his slaves to row. But this was an exception in ancient Rome. Most of the time, the auxiliary troops were engaged in rowing. Despite being free, they were not citizens of Rome and had to provide a hard service of 26 years to obtain citizenship. However, they were not slaves.

In the 1959 film Ben-Hur, the protagonist Juda Ben-Hur sees himself as a slave in the losses of Consul Quinto Arrio, in a dream of vengeance against his former colleague Messala, which leads him to slavery. This famous scene was enough to extend and take for granted the false historical belief.

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Antzinako hegaztien gidaliburua

Poloniar ikerlari talde batek Sevillako Italica aztarnategiko Txorien Etxea aztertu du, eta eraikinaren zoruko mosaikoak erromatar garaiko hegazti-bilduma xeheena dela ondorioztatu du. 

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Mathematical Romanization of Africa

A group of interdisciplinary researchers from the Free University of Berlin and the Zuse Institute have developed a complex mathematical model to better understand how Romanization spread in North Africa.

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Roman jail in Corinth

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Panem et circenses

Rome, towards the year 100 d. C. The poet Juvenal received the X. In Satira: “For a long time, particularly since we have to sell the vote, this people has lost interest in politics. Before, the head, the lots, the legions and, after all, they gave it all, but now they let it... [+]

2024-07-24 | ARGIA
More Roman remains have been found with aerial images, this time in Arkaia
In the thermal zone of the Romans of Arkaia, a large hydraulic infrastructure linked to the Río Santo Tomás has been located, and an underground building of 3,000 square meters, with remains that could belong to a farm of that time.

Find remains of a Roman circus for 5,000 people in Iruña–Veleia
Next to the archaeological site of Alavés, a structure of 280 meters in length and 72 meters in width is hidden beneath the cultivation fields. The company Arkikus has made the finding using special drone mapping techniques, which have been performed by Astilleros. In the... [+]

Cemetery of young children in Auxerre

This winter the archaeologists of the INRAP (National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research) have found a special necropolis in the historic centre of Auxerre (French State), a Roman cemetery for newborn babies or stillbirths. - Oh, good! The necropolis used between... [+]

Exhibition in Ablitas of one of the most important Roman mosaics found in the Basque Country
The great Roman mosaic discovered in 2017 at the site of El Villar has been restored and exhibited in the house of culture of Ablitas. The 4th century villa or farm occupies an area of 40,000 square meters and is believed to be in its entirety, although only a small section has... [+]

Registered in the census

Rome, a.C. 443. Censors were elected for the first time. Two centuries later it would be the most important magistrature of the Republic. Every five years, they chose two censors among consular senators.

It was a position of great responsibility: they were primarily responsible... [+]

Less bad Roman wine

It has been considered that the wine drank by the ancient Romans was a poorly made wine, without body and with an unpleasant taste. But the work that researchers at the universities of Ghent and Warsaw have published in Antiquity has provoked the withdrawal of this belief.

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2024-01-22 | Cira Crespo
A small Roman people

To analyse the political situation in today ' s world we often do not use the history of the Roman era. I guess it will be because it seems too old and too far away. Moreover, among such different things, we find it difficult to empathize with the history there... [+]

Cold War and Pacific Roman Empire
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"Refrigerator" of the Roman Legion
Archaeologists from the University of Warsaw have discovered the "refrigerator" of Antiquity in a Roman excavation area on the shore of the Danube.

Geese that saved Rome
Rome, a.C. 406. The city declared war on the town of Veii, about 10 miles away. For many years Veii was enriched mainly by controlling the salt trade, which gradually turned the Romans off.

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